how philly are you?

this quiz seperates the wanna be's from the gonna be's and the already are's from the shoulda woulda coulda's so if you are then you don't need to be but if you ain't then you damn sure wanna be !! enjoy !!

are you from my neighborhood do you think you can handle finding out . Just because you live here don't mean your from here nor do people that are from here wanna be here. please answer honestly and the results are all positive

Created by: matt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. favorite color
  2. how do you say acme?
  3. IS there a pizza place on speed dial?
  4. what time do you get to a monday night eagles games?
  5. how do you have your steaks?
  6. have you seen all the rocky's 1-6?
  7. do you go to the deli for a hoagie or a sub?
  8. what do you call columbus blvd?
  9. where do the mummers march?
  10. how do you say water?
  11. do you pronounce parlor and dollar the same?

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Quiz topic: How philly am I?