How much of Avril Lavigne are you?

There are many people who just listen's to music because they want to. But do you really love/understands what you're listening to? We sHould at least know some so of informations about the songs that we are listening to.. like the artist, the main reason why the song was made.. or at least the meaning of the song..

Are yOu a Lavignean? If you are, maybe you are tough enough to answer this short quiz. this is about her. yeah. you should at least know some sort of info's about her. She's a very good singer and composer. She write songs about her, about the things around her, and she's expressing her feelings in every song!..

Created by: baby of friendster
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is Avril's full name?
  2. Her birthday is...
  3. Her second album is...
  4. You most likely to say....
  5. In a 'Band Showdown' I'm most likely to wear..
  6. What shade of eye liner do you often wear/put on?
  7. What's your favorite Avril Lavigne's song?
  8. What's your favorite food?
  9. Do you have Avril's posters at your room?..
  10. You're BF/GF bReak uP tO you and tOld yOu 'yOu're jUst a gAme tHat i eNjoyEd pLayiNg w/.. yOu're mOst likely to say/do....
  11. yOu're fAvoriTe bAnd is..
  12. aNd lAstlY.. yOu'rE fAvoriTe liNe iS..

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Quiz topic: How much of Avril Lavigne am I?