how much do you REALY know about justin bieber

ther are a lot of justin bieber fans out ther. do you whant to find out if your the altimit justin bieber fan.what is an altimit fan?an altimit fan is someone who knows a LOT about someone famous.some one who gose throw alot of efort to find out more a bout this person.

DO you think you know justin bieber?Do you think your an export?well if you whant to findout if youve got the brail power then take this quizz and you will find out.

Created by: sarah
  1. when was justin born
  2. where was he born
  3. how was he dissoverd
  4. who is his maniger
  5. where does he live now
  6. how old is he
  7. what is his moms name
  8. what is his dads name
  9. what is his brothers name
  10. what is justins middle name
  11. how old was he when he had hi first date
  12. how old was he when he had his firs kiss

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Quiz topic: How much do I REALY know about justin bieber