how much do you love kirby?

now you all know kirby right? if you do then this quiz might be the one for you! its not much but its just a fun simple quiz where you always get random answers and such.

there might be a few giggles here and there but DO NOT FEAR! because this quiz might make you laugh .3. probally not XD but still. this is my first quiz so dont judge me TUT

Created by: djkirbs754
  1. do you know what kirby is?
  2. what does kirby travel around on?
  3. what is kirby's gender?
  4. do u like dis kirby emoji? .3.
  5. what is kirbys main power?
  6. what does kirby ride on?
  7. what is kirby?
  8. is kirby human?
  9. V(OvO)^ poyo .u.
  10. if you are truly a kirby fan then witch asnwer is correct?

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Quiz topic: How much do I love kirby?