how much do you know about wolves

their are lot of people who think they know wolves like hunters for example they think wolves are evil so they hunt them for their fur which is so not cool

so you like wolves well wanna see how much you know it might be fun it might not but go ahead try your luck but just so you know there no such thing as luck

Created by: rue100000

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  1. what do you call a big group of wolves
  2. how many wolves make a pack
  3. what part of a wolves foot does it walk and run on
  4. what do you think a wolf is saying when its howling
  5. what is a lone wolf
  6. what is a omega wolf
  7. what is a alpha wolf
  8. does a female wolf dissown her pups just because they now have a different scent
  9. has a wolf ever attacked a human
  10. do you like fur coats

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about wolves