How Much do You Hate Hannah Montana? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Much do You Hate Hannah Montana?

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  • daMm

    i love hot boys
  • hEy aPpLeBeEry

    i love hot boys
  • k listen here ppl hannah montana iZ so cool nd appleberry u should have da right 2 like hannah montana just cuz theze ppl dont like her dat doesnt mean u shouldnt nd i have a lil sis dat likes hannah montana.nd no i aint 11 just remember if u were hannah u woulnt like it would u no i dnt tink so .

    hannah fan
  • good job boy luva way 2 hate hannah montana like all of us

    christian lover
  • ShUt Up yU r RiGhT nEx 2 me

    i love hot boys
  • how do u noe u dont noe him nd plus hez all mine b----

    christian lover
  • shUt uP cHrIsTiAn LOVeR?????? hE aInT yUrE B0yfWeNd HeS mInE s0 yU LikE hAnnAmOnTaNa WoW y Yu sAiD s---

    i love hot boys
  • shut upbitgh

    i love hot boys
  • I hEckA tInK hAnNaMoNtAnA iZ c0oL b----

    i love hot boys
  • Hannah montana is so gay the only reason shez famous iz cuz her dad wrote a song something heart i cant beleive hez i mean waz famouse cuz of dat,datz a gay song nd plus she doesnt even have a good voice she lips sings who wantz a person who lip sings as a famous person i dont and who ever likes hannah montana they should get a life or something.

    christian lover
  • If you still don't understand my opinions, go here:

    http://www v=vC-7e9i5A4c

  • jeleous* haha :D

  • -Continued from below-

    Biologica lly, it is impossible for an 11 year old to be smarter than a 12 year old.

    In SOME FEW cases, yes maybe, but never overall. (Please don't give me a "my grandmothers cousin's friend's nextdoor neighbor" situation, they give no point) Until you are about 14 or 15 you can't outsmart anyone older than you.

    PHEW! Lotsa typing, but I'm still encouraging you to email me instead, . I enjoy arguing, mainly about this situation. It makes me laugh. :D

  • Let me re-word that, so no rebuttles are taken.

    Yes, even as an elven year old, you have a way to alalyze situations and problems but not nearly as well as one who's brain cells are fully developed. They will be when you are about 12-14ish. And you've already admitted you're eleven, don't try to tell me you're older.

    Here was your logic: I like Hannah Montana, she doesn't, 'You don't like Hannah Montana, ergo, you're stupid.' Now why would that be different than if I hated terrorists? I wouldn't. Lets cover up any rebuttles to that. "Because you have a reason to hate them." Now let me tell you something, where in this quiz have I actually ADMITTED I hated HER?

    I don't hate HER in particular, it's her over-obsessing fans I hate, as with most. The only reason I'm actually arguing with you is because you are a terrible arguer with no points to back up your reasons, and I dont think you've realized your not smarter or equally as smart as me or anyone older than you. Biologically,

  • "you are stupid,so i maybe younger but i'm just as smart as you,may be smarter what you have never heard of an eleven year old being smart?"

    I think anybody who cusses loses 5 IQ points off they're IQ tests automatically. And pretty girl, I thought the same thing when I was in 6th grade, but honestly no, you are not smart, you have no way of analyzing sitations and problems (mainly because your brain cells are still develping, not just you in particualar).

    So scientifically, biologically and physilogically, no it is impossible for you to possibly be smarter than me.

    Please stop messaging me on here, if you want to talk more in depth, please email me: .

  • you are stupid,so i maybe younger but i'm just as smart as you,may be smarter what you have never heard of an eleven year old being smart?steven hawking can kiss my ass

    pretty girl
  • you are stupid,so i maybe younger but i'm just as smart as you,may be smarter what you have never heard of an eleven year old being smart?steven hawking can kiss my ass

    pretty girl
  • pretty girl

    "anybody who takes this quiz is stupid 'cause its stupid and so is everybody thats talking bad things about her whoever made this quiz is a retard."

    So if Steven Hawking were to take this quiz for no apparent reason- he would be stupid? If you don't know who Steven Hawking is, you shouldn't even be calling anyone stupid. And my opinions are just as valid as yours.

    I have a way of analyzing things better than most people. If you want to go more in depth with this, email me rationally at .

    The name's Aly.

  • anybody who takes this quiz is stupid 'cause its stupid and so is everybody thats talking bad things about her whoever made this quiz is a retard.

    pretty girl
  • i hate hannah montana i want to kill her

  • HELL YEAH I'M A HATER!!!! I feel oh so happeh...ku ku ku...

  • hi britishbabe!

  • Hey listen Leg the Great, 8 out of 9 people on this quiz hate hanna montana- grow up 11 year old. u get famous, u gotta realize not everybody thinks ur the sugar on the cake. k?

  • What the heck was this? hannah montana is cool! if you insult her more im about to trash this quiz and comments into pieces. i wouldn't like that. would you like it if you were a celebrity and everybody hates you? You Totally Can't Show Your Nice Feelings To Miley Cyrus. even though kids love her, you don't make the crowd go "BOO!"

  • ha ha lol that was a gr8 quiz does everyone h8 hannah montana as much as i do - gr8 quiz m8 make more!


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