How much do u know meh?

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How much do you know meh ppl. I probably did not meet you in person. Do you actually know meh? Take this quiz to find out if you do or not. Byeeeeeeee!

Do you know a lot about me or not? Take this quiz to find out and just guess the answers and some answers have clues to them. I think you will love my quiz. Byeeeeeee!

Created by: Brattygirl 997
  1. How old am I?
  2. Am I autistic?
  3. What is my name?
  4. Do I drink coffee or eat coffee ice cream?
  5. Do I dress and/or act younger than my age?
  6. Hit or Miss?
  7. jfldskjflkdjcljdkvncmnvfkj
  8. Cats cats cats catsy catsy cats cats!
  9. What is my fave color?
  10. Bai Felicia!

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