Warrior cats love story (for toms)

Welcome to Thunderclan. I am your deputy Whitewhirl and your leader is Greystar. In this you will be Nightkit, Nightpaw and eventually Nightclaw. You are a tom with 4 she-cats to choose from.

Mossleaf, a kind cat with blue eyes and brown fur; Sunshimmer, a golden cat with deep blue eyes and a bit of a show off attitude; Lilyheart, a beautiful white cat with green eyes and a kind nature and Violetwing, a super selfless cat with black fur and purple eyes.

Created by: Whitewhirl
  1. You are a kit called Nightkit and you have just opened your eyes. "Nightkit ." your mother calls, "Two kits have just opened their eyes and they are willing to play with you." You smile and head over to them. "I'm Lilykit." squeaks the small one, "and I'm Mosskit." squeaks the bigger one. You ask if they want to play moss ball and they say yes so the three of you sit around playing. You think
  2. Then Mosskit and Lilykit are called for their nap. Luckily there are other kits in the nursery you can play with. Their names are Violetkit and Sunkit. You play moss ball with them for a bit whilst thinking.
  3. You have finally become an apprentice and your mentor is Lionpelt. You think you see Sunpaw checking him out so when your training is done you go over to her. "I noticed you have a slight crush on *wink wink* and I was just coming over to say , no offence , but he doesn't like you cause he already has a mate." Then you walk off. You think ...
  4. You get to become a warrior and choose one other person to become one as well. You choose ...
  5. In the end you couldn't decide so they all came up with you. You are hunting with your brother, Blacktooth, and you need one more member on your patrol. Both Mossleaf and Lilyheart offer to come and you say ...
  6. You take all four on a patrol when suddenly a fox leaps out onto each one of them. Which order do you save them ?
  7. All are injured, you only have time to visit one or take very short visits for all .
  8. Who do you think your answer will be?
  9. You go hunting and bring back a very juicy hare. You give it to...
  10. Eventually, the 4 she-cats take you out to the woods and all confess they love you. You say you love...

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