How Much Are You Alike Hermione Granger?

There are few book series more beloved and well known than Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling. With this year marking 20 years since the publication of volume 2, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the characters and stories remain as popular and relatable as they were in 1998. Particularly relatable is the muggle-born member of the golden trio, Hermione Granger.
Always the top of her class and ready to save the day with something from the reading list, there is a little of Hermione in all of us. Whilst she goes on to become a hero and beloved by those around her, initially she is often a little left out of things and not always up to date with the latest trends where she is the necessary academics. Whether or not you know your spells inside out yet or not, here are 33 signs you are secretly Hermione Granger.