The House Exam of Marcel

This quiz is based off the book I’m writing, and was mostly made for me myself and I. It’s like Harry Potter but not. Harry Potter was my childhood and I’d love to make a book series as iconic as it.

Yes, I wrote it on Wattpad. I don’t like the bad wrap it gets because of a few bad stories. There are some great stories on it and some have bad me ball my eyes out.

Created by: Bob the builder
  1. If you could rule the world, would you?
  2. Do you think talent outweighs hard work?
  3. Your sister just left her diary on the table: would you read it?
  4. If you could have a pet in the dorms, what would it be?
  5. Would you consider yourself pessimistic or optimistic?
  6. The next four questions, pick which one your mind draws itself to. *be honest* Inside or outside?
  7. Nighttime or daytime?
  8. Reading or writing?
  9. Hot or cold?
  10. Last question: If you had a bad test, how would it make you feel?

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