Quiz which golden trio member are you most compatible with?

This quiz will show you which golden trio member you are most comatible with will you get Harry James Potter also known as the chosen one and the boy who lived , Ronald billius weasley or my personal favourite Hermione Jean granger

As you should know this quiz will not be one hundred percent accurate as I have never personally interviewed the characters myself but I hope you enjoy xx

Created by: Marionette Johnson
  1. Pick an academia aesthetic
  2. Pick an animal to take to Hogwarts with you
  3. Pick a first date at Hogwarts
  4. Pick a person to go on a date with
  5. Pick a holiday
  6. Who would you save in a heartbeat
  7. Which is you favourite DADA professor
  8. Which is your favourite book/movie
  9. Which house are you
  10. And finally who is your favourite president do the USA

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Quiz topic: Quiz which golden trio member am I most compatible with?
