Does The Golden Trio Like You?

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Narrator: Today you are going to meet the Golden Trio! You: Cool!! Narrator: You will be asked 11 questions and based on your answer we will see if the Golden Trio likes you!

When it has a name and 2 dots, that's the person's name who is saying it. If you get a result you don't like, take the quiz again. Have fun, and good luck! Ron is VERY picky :)

Created by: Lorelei
  1. Hermione: So, do you like to study? Ron: *Groaaan* Hermione: *Glare*
  2. Hermione: OK, who's next? Ron: Me! OK, do you like eating? Harry: What kind of question is that? Ron: I like eating.
  3. Harry: My turn. *Grins* what do you think my question is going to be? Hermione: *nods* BRILLIANT! Ron: Hey, brilliant is MY saying!
  4. Harry: Nope! It's "If you got an invitation would you go to Hogwarts?" Ron: Ooo good one!
  5. Ron: Wait, where's Hermione? Harry: Uh oh. Ron: Another question! Will you look for her?
  6. Harry: Where do you think we should look for her?
  7. Ron: How about we split up. Harry, you look in her dorm. New-person, you look in the library, and I'll look by...the quidditch pitch? Harry: Great.
  8. Narrator: As you are walking into the library you spot Hermione, her face buried in a book.
  9. Hermione: But look what I found! "Beginners book to magical spells and potions"!
  10. Narrator: Harry walks in. Harry: Oh, hey Hermione! Looking at another book? Hermione: *Blushes* Yeah... Ron: Hey! Guys! Back to the quiz! Come on! Hermione: Let's all come up with a question together. Harry: Ok. Ron: Sure. All: *Whispering* All: Ok! Which of these people would you like to be your best friend?
  11. Harry: Well, it was fun meeting you but we have to go to Potions...ugh. Hermione: But take this book home, Madam Pince the librarian won't mind! Ron: Bye!

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