How much about polandball do yuo know?

Hi there! This is a cool polandball quiz! You shouldn't play if yuo think this would be offensive. (It really isn't offensive to be honest with yuo) So.. there's that

This is a polandball quiz you can take for fun to see how much of polandball yuo are! Hope you like it! Have fun with the quiz! (Doesn't determine how polandball you are, kinda)

Created by: Polandball420 of
(your link here more info)
  1. Is it a rule that poland's flag is upside down?
  2. Brazil laugh?
  3. USA wear of sunglasses?
  4. Proper grammar?
  5. How big is of Russia?
  6. Who created Polandball/Countryballs?
  7. Australia right way up?
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. What's a polandball?
  10. Do you know your results?

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