How long would you survive in Jurassic world | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How long would you survive in Jurassic world.

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  • Nice I would survive the longest outta all of these,ten months. I honestly find myself good with survival skills and the wilderness sense I appreciate the outdoors alot. Sucks that I died from a stampade though cool quiz mate.

    You would survive 10 months and a week 90%

    You were in a heard of Brachiosaurus dinosaurs. They were all calm and going about there own business, then all of a sudden they all started running. Then one of them stepped on you.

    85% You would survive 1 week and a day
    55% You would survive 3 Days
    51% You were rescued
    42% You would survive 2 months and 3 days
    30% You would survive 16 hours

  • 10 months and a week, b----es :3


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