how Klingon are you

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Klingons are one of the many aliens from StarTrek thay were basically made useing russian stereotypes. thay are volant and irrational. basicly all out brutal in some cases.

how Klingon are you? well were about to find out. remember this is not testing what type of Klingon you are, but how much Klingon you are so please injoy.

Created by: CunningWolf
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. is honor more important than your life?
  2. do you have a short temper?
  3. do you feel most comfortable in the het of battle?
  4. are Klingons evil or good?
  5. you only have font-faced wepons on your ship... how do you feel about that?
  6. do you know Klingon
  7. when is Kapla-Gee an option?
  8. your enemy is the romlans or federation
  9. when you have smited your enemys you have gained what?
  10. where do you live?
  11. row meat or cooked meat
  12. where is a Klingons week spot?

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Quiz topic: How Klingon am I