How Insane Are You!!!!!!!??

if you think that your insane try this quiz. it will test your insanity to the max!!!!!!!!!!??????? but you can all ways back off now a not try (wimp)hahahahaha

if you dont try this test it obviously means you dont need this test as you know that youare already insane and cannot take this test beause it may make you even more insane but dont worry theres always you family and friends you can count on.

Created by: William Kneeshaw
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who many times do you tell a joke and laugh even if its rubbish
  2. do you eat hot dogs or dead dogs
  3. how many emeginery friend do you have
  4. how many friends do you have
  5. have you ever wanted to hurt yourself/some else
  6. how long did you think about this answer for
  7. do you like shiny things
  8. whats your fav colour
  9. whats your fav type of film
  10. what would be your dream pet

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Quiz topic: How Insane am I!!!!!!!??