How hopeless are you?

Well, sitting here at work I realized that my life is almost completely pointless. Maybe not as much as you or maybe more. So I started to wonder if anybody else out there is hopeless. I'm going to assume yes, because I've met tons of people.

So, are you hopeless? Or are you one of the hopefull? So much to look forward to in life or nothing at all. How would you know for sure if you didn't take the quiz? Somebody needs to tell you how you are, and that somebody might as well be me!

Created by: Nick
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you consider yourself a confident person? Would you step up to do a job/activity that somebody else would decline?
  2. Do your relationships suck?
  3. Are you taking this quiz while you are bored at work or in liu of school work, or are taking it because you think these quizzes are a fun way to spend your free time?
  4. You can't leave past loves in the PAST!
  5. If somebody asked you if you were driving a car from Alaska to Texas and they wondered if you would have to cross an ocean, you would say...
  6. You have to look at your reflection in something as much as possible because you are afraid there might be a blemish on your face or you just plain think you are very good to look at.
  7. When you open your mouth and say something, do the people you are talking to make fun of you because you are an idiot?
  8. Are you in the military or planning to join it?
  9. Typically, do female comics make you laugh?

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Quiz topic: How hopeless am I?