How healthy you are (results)

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" I am asking you.. Are you healthy or not? Do you know how healthy you are? If you don't, then check out this quiz, it can tell you how healthy you are."

" I hope you will get your right answer. If you feel good, it doesn't mean you are good. You still be very unhealthy. I am waiting to see how healthy you are."

Created by: yorkypat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If there was a plate of cupcakes and a plate of fruits, which plate would you pick to eat from?
  2. What would you rather do more?
  3. How often do you brush your teeth?
  4. What food is the healthiest?
  5. Does your body need Brown sugar?
  6. How often do you exercise?
  7. Do you eat vegetables everyday?
  8. Which is healthier?
  9. Is Fennel healthy?
  10. How often do you rest?

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