How hard are you?

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There are hard people in this world and there are total wimps. A truly hard person is someone you would rather be friends with than enemies. They are the people who love a fight and intimidate you with a glance.

Are YOU hard? Do you have what it takes to be classed as hard? Until now you could never be sure how hard you were so take this quiz and see exactly how HARD you are!

Created by: jpickering
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever got drunk and removed one of your own teeth as an adult?
  2. Which of these scares you?
  3. Do you have any tattoos in visible places? eg. Face, neck, hands.
  4. When the s*#t kicks off, where are you?
  5. When did you last cry?
  6. You can watch one film, which would it be?
  7. Have you ever had a fight with a bouncer/doorman?
  8. If someone threatens you do you....
  9. Have you been trained in any martial arts or boxing?
  10. Have you ever done something potentially harmful to yourself for a bet?
  11. Have you ever beaten someone up with your mates?
  12. How many pints of beer can you drink before going to the toilet?

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Quiz topic: How hard am I?