How funny/cool are you?

there are many ... people out there people who never make any friends cause there total geeks and there are pretty awesome some are just somewhat okay

So what do you think you are? do you wanna know how you are do you think you are cool are you pretty cool and funny but you just didn't know all that time before

Created by: Bailey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many friends do you have that actually hang around you?
  2. Does your friends think your cool?
  3. does your crush think your cool? well im only 11 what do I know!;)
  4. Do you like unicorns? i think unicorns rock and i'm cool, hint hint!
  5. are you hilarious at school
  6. at school do you throw food in the lunch room
  7. do you walk out of class for know reason
  8. are you friends with the psycho in your school
  9. do you flick things across the classroom
  10. how do you feel about school
  11. what do you prefer video games/TV or homework first
  12. do you play minecraft
  13. your crush walks up to you and asks you out and gives you his/her phone number what do you say?
  14. what do you do when your grandma gives you $75 for your b-day
  15. why are you taking this quiz
  16. how do you greet people anyone

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Quiz topic: How funny/cool am I?