How Famous Are You Gonna Be On YouTube?

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Many people dream to become big on YouTube but few actually do become big, but what is YouTube you may ask? If you didn't know (and very very few actually don't), is a video sharing app where you can upload videos to entertain people or just for sake of having some fun out of it.

Are you qualified for being YouTube famous? Do you have the confidence to entertain people like you've never before? Take this quiz and you'll find out!

Created by: MRDofficial
  1. Favorite type of videos on YouTube?
  2. Do you like making people laugh?
  3. Do you like challenges?
  4. What's your favorite game?
  5. How far will you spend on dressing?
  6. What house are you gonna stay in?
  7. Quantity or Quality?
  8. Do you like partying?
  9. How much effort are you gonna put into your videos?
  10. Which is the best classic YouTube channel out of all these options?
  11. How serious are you in a video?
  12. Do you like traveling to countries or popular tourist destinations?
  13. Do you watch YouTube videos often?
  14. How much money are you gonna spend on a YouTube video?
  15. What kind of furniture would you put in your house?
  16. How good is your mic?
  17. how good is your cam?
  18. how good is your computer?
  19. how good is your internet speed?

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Quiz topic: How Famous am I Gonna Be On YouTube?