How does your randomness rank?

You are what you say. your catchphrases can really describe you. Those on the less creative side will reply "cheese" "bob" or "your mom" and expect you to think it's funny every time. others will come up with a quirky response that will always make you laugh. the few, the proud, the random.

so... are YOU random? do you have the ability to pull spontanious thoughts out of your skull to see how people react, with no effort at all? if you do, if you THINK you do, or if you have no clue, take this quiz and be sure. one parting word: what's the difference between a duck?

Created by: muffinface
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite hobby?
  2. you're pulling the ultimate prank. your weapon of choice:
  3. some jerk hits you in the nose:
  4. who wrote "of mice and men"? well, you don't know, and its the day of the big test, so you just write:
  5. Where are you on a friday night?
  6. random word recognition... ALLIGATOR!
  7. if you could have one wish, what would it be?
  8. blip bloop blop bla blang blang blang!
  9. i am a _____ who loves to _____
  10. one thing you can never bring yourself to do

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Quiz topic: How does my randomness rank?