how do you know sketchyt

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welcome to my quiz on how well do u know sketchyt.i really hope you like it,it took me an hour to make this quiz so please like it i mean it!!!!!!!!:D

oh and if you are sketch,omg i love you so much i watch your videos right when they come out and i die of laughter while watching them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

Created by: kirstyn
  1. what is the name of his twin brother?(NO CHEATING)
  2. whats his real name (NO CHEATING)
  3. when is his birthday (NO CHEATING)
  4. where was he born (NO CHEATING)
  5. how is old is he (NO CHEATING) *has in 2019*
  6. what is his birth sign (NO CHEATING)
  7. who his best best friend out of the all the pals (NO CHEATING)*as in 2019*
  8. What does Sketch usually say at the start of a video? (NO CHEATNG)
  9. Who is Sketches pet? (Real life) (NO CHEATING)
  10. ( i know this doesn't relate to the quiz) how well do u think u did?

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Quiz topic: How do I know sketchyt
