The Gods of Nashville and Naxos

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Kevin McGrath of Harvard and Hour 25 will discuss charioteers and chariot wheels. The live event will take place on Thursday August 7 at 11am EDT

If you would like to participate via the Q&A chat or just want to watch the resulting video which will be posted please visit Hour 25 and sign up ahead of time.

Created by: William Moulton
  1. According to the Hero/Poet Sophocles where was Oedipus buried?
  2. Which epic nears its end with two bereaved men holding hands and weeping?
  3. Which is NOT another name for the Furies?
  4. Where did Helios threaten to shine if Odysseus was not punished for eating the solar cattle?
  5. Which god sent Hera a magical throne?
  6. Who plowed his fields with salt to avoid the draft?
  7. His mother dressed him like a girl to avoid the draft.
  8. Which Olympian never appeared on the Athenian stage?
  9. In the Parthenon who stands at Athena's right hand?
  10. Who did Ariadne wed?

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