How Demonic Are You??

There are many demonic beings out in the world, but how demonic are you? That's the real question come and see for yourself. Do you want demons to scare you because you don't know how demonic you are?!?!?

How demonic are YOU? are you more angelic or just a normal human being???? What do you want to be??? Demonic human or angelic?? Come and see if you have the guts.

Created by: Rosa Renee Alvarado
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How demonic do you think you are?
  2. How mad do you get when someone insults you?
  3. How mean do you think your demon is?
  4. Someone comes up to you and shoves you, you push him right back and he say " b*tch, you wanna fight?!?!" What do you do?
  5. What is you favorite anie listed below?
  6. If the world was about to end what would you do?
  7. Do you like my quiz???
  8. Favorite thing to do (listed below hehe)
  9. Favorite season?( hehe sorry running out of things to put on here...)
  10. Favorite color?

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Quiz topic: How Demonic am I??