How big is my heart?

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How big is your heart? Find out very soon? Remember to comment and request quiz ideas! First 5 ideas will be made! You will also get a shout out!!! Please no harsh comments, I am 11 and do what I can. Shout out to 1Direction Girly!!! Great idea!

How big is YOUR heart? Take this quiz to see what's holding you back from caring!!! Remember to comment and request quiz ideas! First 5 ideas will be made! You will also get a shout out!!! Please no harsh comments, I am 11 and do what I can. Shout out to 1Direction Girly!!! Great idea!

Created by: ACB
  1. Do you help your siblings/parents when they need it?
  2. Do you ever do volenteer work?
  3. Do you talk to people with respect?
  4. Are you always ready to lend a helping hand?
  5. Do you do chores, even when you are not asked?
  6. Do you believe in peace and problem solving; no fighting?
  7. Do you love helping others?
  8. Do your friends say you have a big heart?
  9. Do YOU think you have a big heart?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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