What One Of My Wof Ocs Are You Most Like(Pls Don't Steal Oc?

This is a quiz I made it will show you what one of my oc's you are most like also please don't steal my oc's there very special to me you can base other oc's of them just don't steal them pls :)

I hope you enjoy this quiz not proud of my quiz-Also I may or may not make more quizzes it depends if I feel up to it or get more ideas so pls request quiz ideas :)

Created by: Idk a name
  1. You find a scavenger stuck in a bush what do you do?
  2. You find a few items what do you pick.
  3. Your walking around when BAM you hear thunder and it starts to rain where or what do you do.
  4. Your in the viewing area of the sky wing arena and are about to watch a trial you see that your friend is the one dragged out for the trial what do you do.
  5. You find a Newley hatched hybrid dragonet what do you do?
  6. Okay last questionYou meet the prince/princess and they for some reason challenge you for a fight they say they'll give you treasure if you win (they also say no killing) but you end up killing them.
  7. You get the opportunity to become queen/king/Ruler what do you do?
  8. Fate
  9. Want me to make more quizzes?
  10. =)

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Quiz topic: What One Of My Wof Ocs am I Most Like(Pls Don't Steal Oc?
