How Awesome Are You?

Aww D: for th description of this it says we shouldn't use etc! (I just did... woops!) I guess that means I'll have to put etcetera... or however you're supposed to spell that xD heheh lol.

Are you awesome? Better be. I don't care what comments you give, this is just my opinion and I wanted to make a quiz since I was bored! Haha! Better not be a sissy >=P

Created by: Demyier
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather be a Human, a Fallen, or a Shadow? (you don't have to know what they are)
  2. Which sounds the awesomest, Demyier, Trisia, or Alexandra?
  3. Which would you rather be, cool, awesome, or gay?
  4. Here's a scenario for you. Pretend you're a girl(if you are then stay that way =) hehe). This dude walks up to you, he has black hair with blood red highlights in them. His eyes are black, and he's wearing black clothes. What is your first thought?
  5. Okay, so the dude says "Hey." What do you say?
  6. On the last question I accidentally put loose instead of looser. (wasn't on purpose! D'= come on, that stupid typo made me pause our scenario!)What did you think?
  7. Okay, back to scenario! So it doesn't matter what you did, th dude walks over to you and hugs you. He smells like blood. What are you thinking at the moment?
  8. Okay, so you realize this isn't a regular 'I MISSED YOU!' hug, or 'I need a hug I'm sad...' hug. He never let go of you. He kisses you, and you look into his eyes and they flash red, blood red.
  9. Well now guess what. (And if you say what, I'll kill you!) It doesn't matter what happened before, he whispers in your ear 'I love you...' and then he disappears with a gust of wind, leaving th scent of blood. What's your reaction?
  10. Okay, so after you finally get over it and leave, deciding it's a dream, you realize you're lost. You're in a cave with no torches or candles, but there's light all around... it's just...there... You have no idea how you got here, and decide you're still dreaming. What do you do?
  11. Okay, so you go a random direction. You see a door that has blood on the handle, what do you do?
  12. Okey! You walk in. There's a few chairs, and they look fairly comfortable. There are cabinets and shelves with random stuff on them. There are blood smears all around. There's a door across from you on th other side of th room. What do you do?
  13. You go in th door. That dude is in there, just coming out of a different room. What do you do?
  14. Okay, just two more questions left! What's your favorite color(s)?
  15. What is that dude's name?
  16. Okay, so this quiz was boring and stupid right?

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Quiz topic: How Awesome am I?