How Aquarius Are You? | Comments

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  • I am supposed to be an Aquarius but I got 53% on this test, which is pretty accurate I must say. What I love about this test even more is that it mentions that I am in the middle of Capricorn and Aquarius. I'm on the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp! I've always felt more like a Capricorn to a certain extent though, and I even have a dislocated knee to prove how Capricorn I am lol (since one the parts that Capricorn rules is the knees). I am always at the ground 24/7, deep conversations are very intellectually stimulating for me, I am beyond organized, very observant, and I take a very long time to open up to people because of trust issues which is often due to my always-observing nature etc. Financial situations in the long run is also a HUGE deal for me. I guess that you could probably get away with calling me a Capricorn. I loved the quiz!


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