How Anime are you?

If you watch anime, then you should do good at this right? Anime is japanese animation (cartoons, duh). But few people actually take the time to recognize the true amazingness of it.

Not many people acutally live in animevision.Not many people acutally live in animevision.Not many people acutally live in animevision.Not many people acutally live in animevision.Not many people acutally live in animevision.

Created by: Candace of Myspace
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What type of anime do you typically watch?
  2. Do you draw manga?
  3. About how much time do you normally spend reading/watching anime/manga or thinking about it?
  4. If you had to describe Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket in one word, what word would it be?
  5. Which of the following characters do you like best? Kyo Sohma, Ichigo from Bleach, Sasuke Uchiha, or Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh!
  6. Okay...*prepares self* What's your favorite color? *ducks behind computer*
  7. Have you ever heard of the Sharingan?
  8. How many times do you find yourself saying "chan" after someone's name?
  9. Do you ever pretend you're a character or the friend of a character from your favorite anime series?
  10. Last Question: What chinese zodiac sign is Shigure Sohma?

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Quiz topic: How Anime am I?