Hogwarts year 1

Welcome to hogwarts with romance and christmas and all this magic happining. You are indeed, a wizard. Explore the halls of Hogwarts as a RavenClaw wizard.

Created by: Bahscoe
  1. You come down the stairs and almost trip. Ron looks at you, but you manage to save yourself. What do you feel:
  2. Ron turns, embarrased. You smiled, and really did trip. Like a bullet, Harry grabbed you.
  3. You looked at him, and nodded awkwardly. You go down the stairs, and sits next to ron. Ron smiled and rested his hand on you. You didnt move it, and started to eat lunch. Someone yelled at you and Ron. Who did it:
  4. You saw harry over at the staircase shouting. His face was red and he stormed off. What do you do:
  5. You get up and go find Harry. You find him in his room looking at pictures of you and mumbling. What do you do:
  6. You back away and shale your head as you walk down. Suddenly, Harry called you. What do you do?
  7. It is christmas day, and there was 4 gifts. there was one from Harry, Ron, And your mom and dad, and a card from Harry. Which one do you open first
  8. You open the first gift, and it is a map, yout open the card last, and it said, "i like you a lot.Please forgive me." how do you feel:
  9. You walk to Ron amd thank him for the gift of the wand. Ron takes your hand and squeezes it. What do you do:
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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