Hogwarts Part 33

Will you get the Hogwarts guy of your dreams? Find out in this quiz. Starting in your third year, you will get the opportunity to become friends and more with Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, George Weasley, and Oliver Wood.

*Recap* Last time you discovered Harry was once again getting into mischief, but it hadn't led anywhere at that point. The Quidditch Final arrived and you and Ginny faced off as Seekers. However, when you could've caught the Snitch and won the game for Ravenclaw, you sacrificed the win to save Ron from falling to his death after getting hit with a bludger. After that, you passed the time studying for and taking the O.W.L. examinations. You got through them quite splendidly, though a couple of odd things occurred during them. After you were finished with the last exam, Harry told you he needed to get to the Department of Mysteries.

Created by: music826
  1. "The Department of Mysteries? Are you mad?" Ron burst out loudly. "Shut up, Ronald," I hissed as passerby turned to stare. He glowered at me, still not over our previous argument, but obeyed. Hermione had a more gentle approach. "What is this about, Harry? Did you...did you see something?" she asked worriedly. He rubbed his forehead as if it was still burning. "He's got Sirius. Voldemort does. I got past the door in my dream. He's got him imprisoned somewhere in the Department of Mysteries. I think he's going to kill him," he said, clearly shaken by the look into Voldemort's mind. I was utterly lost at that point. Unlike Ron and Hermione, I hadn't been around for Harry's "visions" and he certainly hadn't told me about them either. "What door? How on earth would Sir – Padfoot – have gotten to the Department of Mysteries? What's going on?" I asked, looking to each of them in confusion. Hermione opened her mouth to speak, but Harry noticed and cut in, shooting her a warning look. "No. She's not a part of this," he said firmly. "Harry, if there's anything going on-" I started to protest. He shook his head. "Please, just stay out of this. If you haven't remembered, Voldemort's after you, too," he reasoned. "Then why are you running off to him?" I said exasperatedly. "Just go back to your common room. Please," he pleaded, and then turned to Hermione and Ron. "How are we going to get to the Ministry?" "I'm not going anywhere," I said stubbornly, responding to his previous request. "That's right. You're staying at the castle," he said. "Don't try to be clever with me, Harry. That's Ravenclaw's trait. I meant that I'm not leaving you to run off to the Ministry without me," I said, sounding braver than I actually felt. "I don't think we should run off to the Ministry at all until we find out where Sirius is for sure. Voldemort could be trying to trick you, Harry," Hermione said gently. He thought for a while, obviously longing to rush off at once, but to everyone's relief, agreed to use Umbridge's fireplace again.
  2. By the time our plan was all figured out, we also had Ginny and Luna on board. Ron was to make a distraction, while the rest of us had various lookout locations. Harry would obviously be trying to contact Sirius through the fireplace. I was stationed somewhere farther away at Harry's insistence, and I nervously looked around, trying to formulate excuses in case someone should start questioning me. I heard footsteps approaching and started to slip around the corner to warn the others. Someone caught my arm. "Cassandra," Draco said softly. I whipped around, fears of Umbridge quickly fading from my mind. "Malfoy, if you really think that you can just come over here and apologize –" He quickly pressed his lips against mine. I pushed him away violently. "You – complete – git!" I said, punching him hard in the chest. At that point, I wasn't thinking about Harry or Umbridge or Voldemort or even Sirius. It was just Draco and I. And I was furious. "You tell three of my best friends that my mother is a DEATH EATER and I'm just supposed to forget about that? Not only that, but you've probably been out to sabotage me from the beginning, haven't you? You probably thought you could rope me in with your secretly "˜soft' personality. And you almost did. I thought you were different. I thought maybe you were just living under your father's shadow and you really weren't so arrogant on the inside. But not anymore. For all I know, you were trying to recruit me to the Death Eaters the whole time. Your working for them, aren't you? Just like your father," I said scathingly. I pulled his left sleeve up suddenly, but there was nothing there. He just stared at me like I had lost my head. Later, when I was calmer, I had to admit I had gone off my head a little...or a lot. "I didn't mean to tell them – well, okay I did, but I didn't think it would go so far. I just, I don't know what I wanted, all right? I'm sorry. I don't know what else I can say," he said, looking at me with a clear, honest gaze. He seemed to take my silence as an acceptance and held his hands out for a hug. "Not this time," I said angrily, and then stalked off down the corridor.
  3. It was only when I was nearing Umbridge's office that I remembered what I was actually there for. I heard Draco's pursuing footsteps and started to panic. Not only had I forgotten about Harry, but I had also led a member of Umbridge's personal squad straight to the crime scene. Not knowing what else to do, I started to head toward Ginny and Luna's location at the other end of the corridor. But it was far too late. A large figure suddenly stepped out of Umbridge's office and had me locked firmly in his grip in seconds. "I've got her, Headmistress," he said delightedly. Umbridge smiled sweetly. "Good. Just stand over there with the others, dear," she commanded. I glanced over to where she pointed. I felt my heart sink. Not only had Ginny, Luna, Ron, Hermione, and Harry been caught in the act, Neville and Arianna had both found themselves in the same situation. Various members of the Inquisitorial Squad were subduing each of us, and Draco walked into the office. "Ah, yes, Draco. You're just in time," she turned to Arianna. "Perhaps a bit of...persuasion will loosen your tongues," she said, and had her seated on a chair. Arianna, unfortunately, had my trait of panicking in dangerous situations. She had wide, terrified eyes and looked around to each of us in horror. I knew exactly what Umbridge meant by "persuasion" and clearly Arianna did, too. Umbridge certainly knew whom to pick as well. Arianna was so young and innocent even the Inquisitorial Squad members were on edge. Umbridge lifted her wand.
  4. Just as I was about to tell her everything I knew, which wasn't much, Draco spoke up. "Headmistress, wouldn't it be more useful to question someone else? Potter, perhaps?" he suggested, glancing over at my desperate expression. I looked from Umbridge to Draco anxiously. Umbridge slowly nodded. "Yes...very good, Draco," she said with a smile. Arianna was released from the chair and shakily stumbled back to her place with everyone else. Unfortunately, Harry took her place. "No!" Hermione suddenly burst out. "Yes, Miss Granger?" Umbridge asked her calmly. "We have to tell her, Harry," she looked to Umbridge. "Dumbledore left a weapon here when he left. For Dumbledore's Army," she said breathlessly. For the first time, Umbridge looked surprised. But so did everyone else. I had no idea what she was up to. "A weapon?" Umbridge questioned. Hermione nodded. "It's in the Forbidden Forest. I can show it to you," she said. If she was lying, she was doing a very good job of it. In the end, Umbridge agreed to go with Harry and Hermione, provided she had their wands and the rest of us stayed guarded in her office. Snape entered, and Harry tried to give him a last second warning about Sirius, but instead of seeming to understand, he coldly disregarded it. He left soon, Umbridge gave Draco some additional directions as she left, and then she swept out of the office with Harry and Hermione.
  5. After a few minutes, Draco looked out the window, saw Umbridge heading toward the Forest, and turned to the rest of us. He pointed to Arianna and I. "Let them go," he directed the Squad members. They looked back at him blankly. "Go on. Headmistress's orders," he said impatiently, but looked out the window nervously as if Umbridge might see what he was allowing to happen. The Squad members slowly released Arianna and I. "Not without my friends," I spoke up quietly. Draco hesitated, but then gestured to the others. "You heard. Let them go," he commanded. "But Umbridge said –" one Squad member protested. "That's Headmistress to you. And this is under her orders," he said with authority. If I didn't know better, I would have actually believed him. One by one, my friends were each released. "Thank you," I breathed as I passed Draco. I didn't even know if he heard or not, but I couldn't risk any more suspicion from Umbridge's cronies. They weren't the brightest, but stupidity only extended so far in our favor. "What are we going to do?" Ron asked as soon as we were out of earshot. "Find Harry and Hermione," Ginny answered immediately. Everyone made a move for the outside. "Where do you think you're going?"
  6. I recognized that voice instantly. Oliver approached looking stern and confused at the same time. "Um, we were just...just..." I looked to the others for help. "We're on a rescue mission," Ginny put it simply. Oliver shook his head. "No, you're not. I'm sure the professors can handle this," he said uncertainly. After telling him some additional details, Oliver made a move to go get help. Everyone immediately ran for the outside. Oliver turned around. "Hey, you lot! Wait!" he yelled. I ran with the rest of them, but Oliver tripped me with magic. "Hey!" I protested, getting to my feet. He blocked my path before I could run off again. "I'm not going to let you run off. From what I've heard, this is a lot bigger than just Harry and Hermione," he said, trying to lead me away from the others. I tugged the other way, rather like a resistant child. "I'm going!" I insisted. "No, you're not." Suddenly, he dropped like a dead weight and I went stumbling forward from the lack of restraint. "Oliver?" I asked tentatively, turning around. He was sprawled out over the stone floor, Stunned. I looked around for an Inquisitorial Squad member, but Edward and Sabrina came down a nearby staircase instead. "You looked like you needed some help," Edward said sheepishly, nudging Oliver's unconscious body with his foot. "Oh. Well, thanks," I said, feeling a bit guilty for how that argument had turned out. With Edward and Sabrina's help, I dragged Oliver into a broom cupboard. I tried to make him comfortable, but it was somewhat difficult. He was too heavy and tall to fit inside neatly, so we pretty much crammed him in whichever way we could. I closed the door and whispered an apology to him as I left to follow my friends.
  7. We sprinted to the edge of the Forbidden Forest together. To my complete and utter disbelief, my friends were all riding Thestrals in the sky far above, obviously well on their way to the Ministry. I started yelling to get their attention, but they couldn't hear me. "How are they flying in the air like that?" Edward asked in confusion. "You mean you can't see – oh, that's right. Thestrals can only be seen by those that have seen death," I explained to him quickly. Sabrina nodded her understanding; she had had the same lesson earlier that year. Edward still looked confused. "Thestrals?" he questioned, but I just shook my head. "There's no time for that right now. We've got to go find some of our own," I said, heading into the Forest. It was bad enough that my friends were off to their potential deaths, but they had taken my little sister along with them. There was no way I was going to let her go anywhere without me. I found the small herd of Thestrals a bit further into the Forest and climbed onto one. Sabrina and Edward stumbled around blindly looking for the Thestrals, and Sabrina shrieked slightly as she bumped into one. Watching her get onto the "invisible" creature was perhaps one of the more amusing sights I had seen that day, but I suppressed a giggle and impatiently waited for Edward to climb onto his own. With my two friends clinging onto their mounts awkwardly, I took to the sky. Luckily, the Thestrals seemed to know exactly where we were going. We landed in front of the Ministry just in time to see Harry and the others cramming themselves into a telephone booth. I jumped off of the Thestral and jammed my arm into the space between the booth and the door just as Harry was closing the door.
  8. "Cassandra? What are you doing here?" Harry asked, seeming to be split between dismay and surprise. "Well, I'm here to help, obviously. Is Arianna here?" I asked, trying to look into the cramped space. Her fiery red hair was barely visible among the others. "I'm here," she replied. "I don't think you'll fit in here," Harry said abruptly, starting to close the door. I jammed my foot in as well. "You're not going without us," I protested. Sabrina stepped up behind me. "Let us in or I swear you'll wish you had stayed with Umbridge," she said dangerously. Harry, clearly in no position to deal with us, opened the door again. I'm not sure how, but all ten of us managed to squeeze into the telephone booth. We each received a visitor badge and were soon standing in the Department of Mysteries. Harry led the way, but we hit a roadblock. "Which door is it?" Ginny asked. We had found ourselves in a circular area surrounded by identical doors. Harry seemed to be at a loss. "I guess we'll just have to try them all until we get the right one," he said with a shrug. Eventually, we got there, but I wasn't sure what we were looking for anyway. We found ourselves in an enormous room full of dusty glass spheres. Harry starting rushing along the aisles, clearly knowing exactly where we were going. He rounded the corner and stopped. "But he was here! I know he was!" he said in disbelief. I took a look myself. Sirius was nowhere in sight. "Maybe in the next aisle?" I suggested. But he wasn't there, or in any other row from what we could see. I felt a terrible sense of foreboding. If Sirius wasn't there, then we had gotten there too late and Sirius was already dead. That, or what Harry had seen had all been a trick and we were being led straight into a trap. "I really think we should go, Harry. He's not here," I said anxiously. I could feel a slight feeling of terror welling up in my chest. The eerie silence had my skin crawling, and I could practically see Voldemort creeping toward us every time I looked into the darkness. Something was going to happen, and right then, I wanted more than anything to be back in my bed at the castle, safe and sound. A hand fell on my shoulder and I jumped.
  9. "It's just me," Neville said gently. Sensing my growing panic, he took my hand and squeezed it lightly. "It'll be all right," he said reassuringly. Somehow, that seemed to make everything a little less terrifying. I glanced over at Harry. He was looking at one of the glass spheres. "It's got my name on it," he murmured, and then took it off the shelf. "I really think you should put that back," I said. It was too late. We were in that aisle for a reason, and as the group of Death Eaters melted out of the darkness and Lucius Malfoy ordered Harry to hand him the sphere, that reason was all too clear. We all grouped together, holding out our wands for protection. With ten of us, it was fairly easily to target them, but all the same, we were only students. They were fully trained and willing to kill any one of us. "I'll smash it," Harry threatened, holding up the sphere. Lucius smiled coldly. "Oh, but you don't want to do that. That sphere will tell you everything you ever wanted to know. Why you have that scar. Why you are the Boy Who Lived. Why your parents died," he finished with a malicious glint in his eyes. He continued on, explaining the details of the trap they had led us into, but I was busy paying attention to the message Harry was passing around the group. On his signal, we were all to destroy the rows of spheres and run for it. "REDUCTO!" we all yelled. It was quite a sight to see all of the spheres shattering and falling off of the shelves, but I didn't stick around to see the show.
  10. I sprinted along, letting go of Neville's hand in the process. The Death Eaters were close behind, sending all sorts of spells our way. Most of us received some sort of injury along the way, but instead of stopping to help the others, I kept running. I dodged along the aisles until I couldn't hear footsteps behind me and then slowed down, realizing that in the process of trying to escape the Death Eaters, I had also lost track of my friends. "Arianna?" I asked quietly. "Harry?" No one responded. I was well and truly alone. I couldn't even hear the sounds of distant spells or shattering spheres anymore. The fight had moved on. I looked around, trying to get a grasp on my location so I could go find the others. Instead, a hand grasped my shoulder. And this time, it wasn't Neville.
  11. *music826* Okay, well, I had planned to make the Department of Mysteries one edition, but it's clearly just too long. I'm trying not to dwell on the scenes already written in the book, so if these scenes are getting a bit muddled, that's probably why. Oh, and a quick shout-out to @hp4evr for giving me the idea to have Draco save Arianna. I don't know if that's what you had in mind, but you gave me the inspiration. :) Lastly, the next two editions are already complete and should be posted in the next few days, since I promised I would make options. They weren't that great this time, but at least I made them, right? There's lots of family drama coming your way! ;)

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