Hogwarts Part 29 | Comments

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  • That was awesome!!! I can't believe you actually considered giving up! I got Harry, as always except for two Neville's and 1 Ron. Sorry Liz_king I didn't want to. Oh please read my quizzes after reading this it gave me a good idea for my story regarding the Trelawny incident

  • @vulturemonem Yes, it certainly won't be the regular "it's not you it's me" kind of break-up. ;)

    Anyway, I really appreciate the continuing support for my series. I'm currently in the process of writing the next edition, so hopefully I can wrap up the end of fifth year within the next couple of weeks.

  • Gah! I can't believe I missed your last edition! Anyway, I've caught up now! :P Another great part, and another captivating piece of writing. Seriously, your style is great, and the story... *grins* Fab, just fab.

    That fight between Edward and Draco was brilliantly written, and actually slightly funny too. Tee hee! Hmm, I'll be interested to see this 'dramatic personality shift' next year. And Cassandra and Ron hmm? The break-up will be erm, dramatic, I guess, knowing Ronald Weasley... :)

    Can't wait for your next update, and I'm in love with your writing! XD

  • @liz_king97 Happy early anniversary! I hope that works out better than in this story, but I've already said too much. :)

    @hp4evr Draco basically has one last obnoxious part in this story before he hits his dramatic personality shift in sixth year. I'm so excited to write that year I can hardly stand finishing this one, but there are a few things I have to write before I get there. As for the break up, I know exactly how I'm going to play it out, but I need to figure out when first. Just hang in there for now. :)

  • You'll be speeding time, if I guess? If you do, I'll not disapprove because I'm eagerly waiting for Sixth year to start. I'm rather impatient, perhaps. :P

    You're writing was brilliant as you always make it and the options were perfect. The part where Edward and Draco almost fight was pretty much well played out and I'm pleased to see that you're getting along with the new character. However, I must say one more thing. It's about time we proceed to the proposed break up and Draco Malfoy SHOULD soften by now (though he wouldn't be Draco anymore, would he?) xD

    Regardless, I'm looking forward to Part 30. :)

  • Six months in three days! ^__^ I'm in such a good mood I think I'll overlook that part where you suggest "us"...*shudders* Never mind.


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