Hogwarts Love Story Pt 14 | Comments

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  • @_ViolaLover_ - On fridays, I probably will have them out earlier for the fact, that I'm free as well. Well, love does make you do stupid things and in general, you simply can't get over someone in a matter of seconds!

    I see a lightbulb went up! LOL, trying to find where to put it :D

  • @Fia Noooo, on Fridays you should have them out earlier, because I don't have school on Fridays and I have nothing to do xD This one made me love Draco even more, *sigh* why oh why can my character not get over Oliver, and be extreamly happy that I kissed Draco? Hmmm, it would be interesting if I started dating Draco, especially if I made the quidich (sp?) team *cough* *cough* idea *cough* can't wait for your next one!

  • @Allycat - Don't worry, you'll be there before you know it! Just keep working at it & thank you very much (:

  • Amazing as usual! It totally gives me inspiration, sadly I'll have to wait till I get to that point in my series.. ah well. Can't wait for the next!

  • @AiFiahK3mE - I would love to live in Sweden or anywhere in Europe for that matter! I'm sorry! It's a 6hr time difference from Toronto to Sweden, it's actually 8:34 here. It's okay, I can wait but I can't wait to hear your real thoughts on the story. Haha. I'll try to keep in mind of the different time zones but it's like you said, it's more magical when it comes to life at night; I do most of my thinking and writing at night to early morning. Haha but I'll TRY to get it by a certain time!

  • Ah, it seems that your quizzes are always out on the wrong time for me... It's 2.32 a.m. in Sweden(that's where I live), and I should be sleeping... But it's worth it :) This part was just as amazing as usual ^-^ I would have written more in this comment, but I guess it'll have to wait 'til tomorrow, as I really need some sleep. I can barely see what I'm typing xD But please, DON'T try to have your quizzes out earlier in the day. Everything seems more magical in the night, right? I mean, then we can have dream about it ^-^

  • @Princess_Demon - Haha, thank you very much! :) I'm glad they do. I don't know, I guess how this version of Draco sees it. It all ends up to be his fault one way or the other, just another "mistakes" he makes along the way of finding himself.

    @Horsel uver - Thank you very much! I know, I know. Like I've said before Neville will have his seen in the next edition.

  • Amazing quiz, as usual. The only thing I would say, is add more Neville.

  • Awesome quiz as per usual!! Seriously, these quizzes make my day!! I got Draco again, how could he think that he pressured me into kissing him?? It's so ridiculous but so cute at the same time! Thanks :)


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