Highlights Part 10

Ok i worked most of this on my ipod since i cant find my laptop :P i really hope this gets better and if this was fast, sorry. I was in a rush most of the time. I might add Shay to the results so if u like him... Congratz! Im adding him in the results for the next quiz!!

Shout outs down here by the way... Ok shout out goes to... *drum roll* FAITH! i decided to add ur name in the series since ur just that awesome!!! Well part 11 is comibg out hopefully soon :)

Created by: RoCkItOuT
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You ate lunch with the girls. Kola tried levitating her food. "She's gotten better at it though." Carter chews on a french fry. "Well later guys." You say. You get up to throw away your trash. Then you see Chase. "Hey." He says. You throw your arms around him. "I haven't seen you in like forever!" You say. "I know, wanna go train?" He asks. You nod and he leads you to the no power mat. He charges and you jump over him. "Nice armor by the way." He says. "thanks." you smirk and start to fight him. You fight him but he get tired. He falls on the floor and you run beside him. "Are you ok?" You ask. "Yea." He get up and you take him to the bench. "W-what happened?" You ask. "I don't know." he says. "Of course you do." You turn and see Tyson. "You might have the infection. Go get the cure and rest." He says. "I'll take you there-" You say. "No. I can manage." He gives you a smile and a small kiss.
  2. You walk out and head to the self training. You whack the punching bag hard. You break it and there was a guy staring at you. "He-He?" You say. You run out and toward the weapon section. You grabbed a sword and got on the balance the board. It lifts you up and starts moving. You swing into the air and show off you moves. you do some flips and punch and kick the air.
  3. "Mind if I join?" You turn and see Carter. "s-sure." You studder. She grabs a sword and jumps on. you fight her. She was a challenge. "You've been sword fighting?" You ask. "My parents taught me and Kola before they left." She says. You take a swing but she flips over you. You turn and continue to fight. "________! A word please." You guys stop and saw Le Fang. You jumped off and put the sword up.
  4. "Tyson needs you." She motions you to a room near the gym. "You too Carter." You guys follow Le Fang. When you entered the room, everyone was there. "Let's make this quick. Heres a destination. We got word the black coats are around this perimeter. We teleport to grab all the highlights around the world." He hands you a slip of paper. "I got a whole teleport partner thing down. There'll be some people coming in soon. They're pink highlights and they'll take one of you guys. Kyle you have Victoria, Chase with Jessica, Chris with Abby, Kola with Gwen, Carter with Maya, Shay with Dominic, Simon with Tori, Jacky with Le Fang, and Derek and __________ are on their own." He says. "What?! _______ can't go alone!" Chris shouts. "I'll be fine." You snap. He backs off and people came busting in. "Their in the West Wing." A red haired girl said. Tyson reached for the microphone. "CODE SCAT!" he shouts. Everyone got grabbed and transported. Derek kissed you bye and teleported away. You closed your eyes and teleported.....
  5. Japan! You look around. "how am I suppose to talk to these guys?" You ask. "Well, you have all powers. A grey highlight is a silver tongue. They can speak in any language but need the blood. You need some person's blood." You turned and saw Tyson's hologram. You nod and walk off. You turned the corner and with luck, there was a hospital. You changed your look to a nurse and walked in. You walked to a room and see someone in it. "We need a sample of your blood." You pull out a needle and they nodded. You took his blood and walked out. You looked around and walked into a restroom. You lock the door and started saying regrets. You dropped a drop of blood on your tongue and made a sour face. "Note to self, never do that again." You say. Then you felt a surge of power. you began speaking in japaness. You changed your appearance and walked out. You go to the park and sit on a bench. You began to drift to a sleep but kept staying awake.
  6. "Are you a green highlight?" You jolt awake and see a chinese girl. "You a highlight?" you ask. "I am a purple." She says. "Am I speaking Japaness?" you ask. "Of course." She says. You shrug and stand up. "I'm ___________. I'm a green highlight trying to find others. Do you know where they are?" You asked. "I'm a purple duh!" She says. "We got a message to all meet at the fountain and a green highlight girl will come to deliver a message." She says. "That's me." You get up and walk toward the fountain. "That's them?" You point. She nods and you walk over. "I'm the green highlight." You exclaim. They turn toward you and slowly back away.
  7. "Something wrong?" You ask. "Your a green." you heard a voice say. "Look, there's these people called black coats. They want to destroy all highlights. We are planning a revelation against them. We are leading an army and if you stand by, you might get infected by the infection. It kills Highlights slowly. Only affects highlights. We have a cure but just join us in this revaluation!" You shout. "If you deny, walk away." You snap. No one walked away. "Where do we go?" One of them asks. You look at the slip of paper Tyson gave you. "Meet in Little Rock. (Remote location)" You look at the people. "We have to teleport." You look at them again. "Join hands. I'll get us there." You say. You closed your eyes and teleported.
  8. **KYLE'S POV** We were at a market somewhere. "Where are we?" I asked. "Italy." Victoria said. "Let get them. They're meeting in Rome." She grabs my arm and teleports to Rome. "There." She pointed to a small fountain. "We're with Tyson" she screamed. They all looked at us like we were crazy. "The infection is coming. There is a group call black coats coming for us. They are killing highlights. Join us to over power them!" Victoria spoke like a leader. They yelled in agreement. "Now to Little Rock!" She says. Then she teleported us to Little rock....
  9. **CHASE'S POV** We landed in New Zealand just as planned. "Let's get to the tower and get to Little Rock." I snapped. "Fine." Jessica turned and marched toward the tower. **FEW MOMENTS LATER** We reached the tower and only saw a few Highlights there. "no. There's suppose to be more." I staggered. "They got infection." Jessica whispered. Then Zach came up to me. "I heard about the infection. We've been hit... Hard." He turned to face the rest. "We need to go to Little Rock." Jessica said. In seconds, we were at the new location.
  10. **CHRIS'S POV** I fell flat on my face. "Still not used to teleportation." I brushed the dirt from my shirt. Abby laughed. "Your funny." She giggled. "Yea let's um go.." I gave her a smile and started looking around. "So where are they?" I asked. "Mother's Tree." She pointed at this HUGE tree. "Where are we?" I turned at her with deer-in-headlights eyes. "Africa." She smiled and skipped off to the tree. "Why do I get the creepy one?" I muttered.
  11. **KOLA'S POV** I looked around. It was beautiful. "I love New York during the night!" I shouted. "Lovely." Gwen spoke in a british voice. "Quick, they're meeting in Central Park." She takes my arm and drags me there. "there." She points to a small group. "FAITH!" She yelled. Then a girl pushed threw everyone and they hugged. "Where's everyone else?" I asked. "Infection." The girl 'Faith' said. "We need to get to Little Rock, Now." Gwen snaps. Before I could ask what was Little Rock, we teleported.
  12. **CARTER'S POV** I fell in water. I looked around but only saw fish. I resurfaced and saw Maya looking around. "Where are we?" I asked. "Thailand. They're meeting at the beach but I think I teleported us to the ocean. It's close though." She started swimming toward a shore with people. When I got out of the water people covered me with towels. "When Do we go to Little Rock?" A man shouted. "Now." Maya snapped. Within seconds, we were at this island beach.
  13. **SHAY'S POV** I looked around me for a second to find out where we are. "Where are-" I started. "Brazil, my home." He smiles. "You know, I never been here and so far, not my favorite." I start. "Shut up. They're meeting at The fountain." He says. "Dude, there's millions of fountains here." I say. "That one." He point to only 3 people. "Not much of a crowd." I state. He runs over and starts speaking spanish. Then his face turns white. "Th-th-the infection..." He says. "We need to get to Little Rock." He snaps awake. "Then he teleports us to this island with lots of trees. "Whoa..." I mumble.
  14. **SIMON'S POV** "Ok, here's the instructions." Tori pulled out the slip of paper. "1. get to Russia." Then she looked around. "Got it. 2. go outside the Winter Palace." She grabbed my arm and teleported us there. "Next time, A WARNING!!!" I yelled. "Ok, geez. 3. People are waiting. Tell them about the infection." I looked around and saw a small group I thought were tourist. I ran over. "There's and infection that kills Highlights. Tyson is trying to fight it because black coats are trying to kill us. Now let's get to..." She looks at the slip of paper. "Little rock." And when she announced that, she teleported us to Little Rock... "What the crap..." I mumbled.
  15. **JACKY'S POV** "Where the crap am I!?!" I had Le Fang by the collar. "Clam down." She says. "We're in Great Britain. We need to get to Big Ben." I dropped her to the floor. "We get the group waiting there and get to Little Rock." She snapped. "Don't tell me what to do." I growled. I used my speed and ran there. I saw the group there, and Le Fang with them. "Let's go." She smirked. She teleported us there.
  16. **TYSON'S POV** We reached Spain. I found the group, but it was cut in half since 2 months. "Infection has spread sir." Ethan said. "Let's get to Little Rock, NOW!" I said. Ethan took them there, but I stayed behind. I didn't see Jose. I stayed there crying.
  17. **DEREK'S POV** I landed in South Korea. "What the-" I whispered. I looked at the slip of paper. I looked up when I saw people running toward me. "Whoa... WAIT!" i yelled. "We know about the infection." They shouted. I looked at the paper again. "Little rock?" I whispered. I shrugged. "Let's go." I said and teleported there. We all landed on trees.
  18. CLIFFHANGER! I didn't expect to finish this qui so early! Ok, Little rck is a remote island Tyson found. Ok now let's move on. Who do you like?

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