High School Cliques | Comments

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  • And while it may seem hypocritical to pull the stereotype card, you have to understand that goth culture has an established intellectual origin which is why I can defend it. But emo is just a bunch of kids spilling their guts in their music. For the benefit of the doubt, I even googled "emo art" to maybe establish an art basis...but it's just a ... Read Morebunch of kids ripping their bloody hearts out of their chests and giving it to their love interests. You could argue that that is gothic, an example of beauty vs. macabre, but it's just so stylized to conform with mainstream fashion that it just reeks of unoriginality. The majority of the culture seems to be based on the superficiality of looking the part, while of course they have to do a substantial amount of acting victimized to represent the ideal stereotype.

  • Your Result: Preppy / Girly

    You are preppy/ Girly! You will only buy what you might call"top of the Line" clothes.You are most likley a cheerleader maybe even squad captain.You most likley think that you are above everyone exept for you boy friend / girlfriend who is always 2 steps BEHIND you

    i dont think im above everyone just some ppl and i dont buy top of the line clothes. I just mix-match things to make them cuter

    • Im not a goth or emo and i DON'T LIKE TO BE stereotyped and i have been bullied my whole life and recentlly all the emotional pain went away a couple days ago and I've never been happier!

    • then don't do the quiz common sense

  • Your Result: Normal /Class clown

    You are normal / Class Clown! you are a normal kid who try's to avoid the populars and stays out of the way. Class Clownns you are a normal person execpt you have got the amzing talent of pissing your teachers off with your pranks an crude jokes.

    Goth / Emo
    Geek / Nerd
    Jock / Sporty
    Preppy / Girly
    Works for me :) Good quiz...and very true...

    • ahhhhhhhhhhhhh saaaaame except goth and nerd ones are swapped 4 me

      Eri Chan
  • wow, im doing a project on cliques. yes, i am catagorized as a prep. BUT. these people commenting on this, are the reason "goth" people are the way they are. you all act like you are so cool, and that you have so much money. and peoples feelings don't even phase you. what's wrong with that picture? one of you said that goths are weird. - you're most likely weird to goths. who said goths didn't like to shop? no one, yeah that's right. goth, isn't even an appropriate word for these people. they aren't emo either. they are people, regular people from normal families just like you and I.

  • im,Preppy / Girly:

    "You are preppy/ Girly! You will only buy what you might call"top of the Line" clothes.You are most likley a cheerleader maybe even squad captain.You most likley think that you are above everyone exept for you boy friend / girlfriend who is always 2 steps BEHIND you."

  • None of these stereotypes fit me.I got preppy wich isn't true.Oh yeah,and not only emo people are wearing skinny jeans to you people who don't know.Ghetto people are starting to wear them.How do i know:i hang out with ghetto people.

  • Lets get educated, KIDS. I take offense to "goth" (subculture) holding the negative context. Authentic (keyword) Goths promote a macabre image in order to protest the absurdity of social norms. Simply put, it's bascially an art form. (Which also means they have to ... Read Moredo something artist rather than just walk around looking like one because that defeats the purpose) It's like with neoromanticism and Wuthering Heights displaying concepts like "a beautiful death". Paradox? Not necessarily. It's debating society's standards for aesthetic and the partition of what is considered beautiful and ugly, etc. Nightmare Before Christmas is a perfect example because it compares the absurd, Halloween, with an accepted social norm, Christmas. Same with the name "Marilyn Manson". Marilyn Monroe, the standard for beauty, Charles Manson, the absurd.

    It would be ignorant to associate it with a religious concept because by definition the image of the crucifixion of Jesus is considered "gothic" because it displays both the morbid and, in context, the beautiful. Therefore, religious affiliation/politic s within the culture is a matter personal conscience. To have an unbiased view on aesthetics one ... Read Morewould have to be creative, and if creativity is associated with intelligence then ohmygod... intellectuals? So before we start saying that goths are satan-worshipping heathens who eat bats, snack on babies, and do nothing but look depressed and dress like albinos at a funeral, perhaps we should do our research.

    And for the record, Marilyn Manson made Bill O'Reilly look like a complete jackass. Youtube it.

    Well, "emo" is a really young culture (80s?), unlike "goth", so that in itself makes it more difficult to define. It's mainstream now which means its definition is constantly being redefined. First off, Emo obviously originated as a music genre, while Goth originated as an art/literature/... Read Morepoetry, etc. genre.

    Take this next part mo

  • I was pretty much the same of preppy and jock, but a little bit more preppy, so it was pretty much the same, but ya, I'm wit you guys too, I talk to pretty much everybody except emo people, they kinda scare me.

  • I don't really caer about stereo types and or cliques I just take these quizzes for kicks so I guess I could be considered normal so not to offend anyone this quiz was just for fun so please don't take offense on the descriptions even if they seem wrong.

  • OMG that is soooo true! I'm triple hott! ewwww emo's are WEIRD! How can somebody not like shopping? Everyday after school me Jessy and Rebecca go out Shopping! We spend like $600 a day! And i saw this girl and she was in pumpkin patch. can you believe it pumpkin patch! And so we taught her, her lesson!

  • You are normal / Class Clown! you are a normal kid who try's to avoid the populars and stays out of the way. Class Clownns you are a normal person execpt you have got the amzing talent of pissing your teachers off with your pranks an crude jokes.

    True I guess on the "normal" part, but I dont think I was a class clown - I rarely talked during class unless I had friends there

  • High School Cliques
    Your Result: Goth / Emo 89%

    You are goth / Emo! You might get picked on. but you usually dont care . You just hang out with your friends and occasinally make fun of the preps and jocks. But really just yourself

    65% Normal /Class clown
    39% Geek / Nerd
    23% Preppy / Girly

  • I'm Normal.... But I had a lot of freinds in high school o>O

    Btw to all you little gay emo kids, you will stop being emo once your outta high school if you wanna work somewhere besides Hot Topic.

  • Okay goths and emos are NOT the same...don't group them together. And the description wasn't that accurate. I don't get picked on and neither dobmy friends. We pick on other people. Not in a really mean way though cuz we're sort of good people...I guess...oh yeah I got emo.

  • screw you Bulletlover15! emo stands for emotional and most emos DONT slit their freaking wrists! some do but it is mostly a stereotype! and ur asking why emos dont like preppy people and why they talk about stupid preps, look at your freaking comment! As you said, "Btw why do emos have so much against Preps and jocks??? At least we don't cut r wrists and sit in dark corners being depressed!!!" we hate yall because thats all you think of us!

  • Stop complaining, people. It's just a quiz. IT'S JUST A STUPID LABEL. You know who you are, the internet doesn't need to tell you that--- unless you need some psychological help... which "Darth Carnage" needs. Killing a person over the internet... pathetic.

  • geek/ nerd?!?!?! WTH?! Though I'm in all the gifted classes, the reason I'm unpopular is I din't like general people cuz they're idiots and I don't care what they think of me. I'm just not a follower.

  • Your Result: Normal /Class clown

    You are normal / Class Clown! you are a normal kid who try's to avoid the populars and stays out of the way. Class Clownns you are a normal person execpt you have got the amzing talent of pissing your teachers off with your pranks an crude jokes.

    this is soooooo me!!!

    Sexy Ally Cat
  • pretty much same tween girly & class clown

    i have a lot of friends but all in different places. im good friends w/ at least 1 jock, prep, goth, (and what u said about them was really stereotypical) pop, and funny person. im kinda in all stereotypes

  • High School Cliques
    Your Result: Goth / Emo

    You are goth / Emo! Youmight get picked on. but you usually dont care . You just hang out with your friends and occasinally make fun of the preps and jocks. But really just yourself

    ^//-//^ .. yes.

  • Goth / Emo

    You are goth / Emo! Youmight get picked on. but you usually dont care . You just hang out with your friends and occasinally make fun of the preps and jocks. But really just yourself

    Yep, and it irks the preps to no end.

  • i think every1 (whether ur a jock/prep or emo/rocker) should not use stereotypes. on this quiz i got emo and yeah i dress in vests, converse, & skinny jeans. i also love rock that all i listen 2, but im also a cheerleader at my school. me and my friends don't stick to the status quo. (and no im not quotin frm HSM) I hav friends dat r preps, geeks, and emos. my bff group consists of 2 emos, 1 ghetto, 2 jocks, 1 prissy legally blonde type, and 1 tomboy. i hate it when people judge me btw i dress, bc i believe in being urself and dressing the way u wanna. so all the preps hatin on the emos...get to kno them b4 u judge, they will probley b nicer n less backstabbing than some of ur jock friends. n to the emos...ik how u feel jus wait it out n ur time will come 2 shine. jus kno dat they r jealous cuz they cant b theirself. (haha uk dat da preps r jealous when u [an emo] come into skool wearing somethin n then 2 weeks l8r all the preps r jackin ur trends =].

  • YAY...I'm deff preppy and girly! Btw why do emos have so much against Preps and jocks??? At least we don't cut r wrists and sit in dark corners being depressed!!!

  • Woohoo! i didnt score nerd jock prep Or anything else like that! my results seemed so true cuz i do hang out wit my friends and make fun of the retard jocks and preps even though i'm in sports i still hate every one else in them except my peeps that hate everyone of the f-ing preps wit me HaHA!LOL

  • onormal/class clown ummm id consider myself normal im not a class clown lol

    im not a clique person i think its real immature that people have to categorise themselves i dont think people realise that trying to get into a clique is a waste of time.

    but hey if people wish to categorise themselves thats their choice!

    Lulu Mcstarpants

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