Hey, this is a little something to all of you | Comments

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  • @Bookworm123- Hahahaha, your anger is nice

  • @Hiccup- Used to. Four about a year. I never liked her though but she kept trying to be all "Friendly" with me. She's such a poser

  • Okay, you have an opinion, I see that. And I most CERTAINLY don't agree with it. We're all entitled to our opinion, but what I want to know is why? Without good reasoning your argument is pointless and you're just hating on a good girl. So either give me a reason or stop hating. She's been nothing but nice and you are such dalek-spawn and RRRRR WHAT HAS SHE DONE TO YOU?! SHE'S SO NICE AND CREATIVE AND SWEET AND AMAZING AND HATING IS MEAN!!! I don't suspect you've ever been hated on and let me know: it hurts. Bad. So BACK OFF ARIA!!! (PS- I wrote two responses because I got a bit emotional at the end)

  • and i dont know what the the other two did to you but you really need to chill on them to, right now by making this whole quiz you seem like the bad guy

  • @PerfectionIsME: You need help. Idc if you don't care what it think. You do. Making quizzes based purely on hate towards a person you don't even know is not healthy. I pity you.

  • Listen...Aria is the s--- to the dogs.

  • @PerfectionIsME Do you know her in person?

  • @HL- She isn't. She's a fake -___________-

  • dude this isnt nice at all

    you sais you got mad at her because she amde a quiz asking why we didnt like one direction,but you dumbly made a quiz talking about why you didnt like her callinger her un-nessisariy names, even thought you think shee is bad, you just stooped lower than her. i dont have anything aginst her and i think she is a good person. by doing this you just proved to everyone of GTQ.com how low and ugly your personality can be.you probabily need to leave yourself trying to to innapropriate things like this

  • Oh I know Aria. I've known that b---- long

  • How does her always being there for everyone make her a bad person?

  • Wow. I feel very sorry for you PerfectionIsMe.

    Ev erything you have said so far is ridiculous and hypocritical.

    What is wrong with you?

  • @Perfection WOAH! Leave her alone. You don't even know Aria, do you!? You have no idea what she's like! She doesn't deserve any of this. You seriously need to find a better hobby. Idc if you're expressing views: hating someone for stupid, pointless reasons is PATHETIC.

  • @Calypso1315- Nice...brave...Mean by Taylor Swift? Guess what? I DONT CARE. =D

  • Let's say for instance, Aria is 'singing' to you.

    You, with your words like knives

    And swords and weapons that you use against me

    You have knocked me off my feet again
    Got me feeling like I'm nothing

    You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard

    Calling me out when I'm wounded
    You picking on the weaker man

    You can take me down with just one single blow

    But you don't know, what you don't know...
    Someday I'll be living in a big ol' city
    And all you're ever gonna be is mean

    Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me

    And all you're ever gonna be is mean
    Why you gotta be so mean?
    You, with your switching sides
    And your wildfire lies and your humiliation
    You have pointed out my flaws again
    As if I don't already see them
    I walk with my head down

    Trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you

    I just wanna feel okay again
    I bet you got pushed around
    Somebody made you cold
    But the cycle ends right now
    'Cause you can't lead me down that road
    And you don't know, what you don't know...
    Someday I'll be living in a big ol' city
    And all you're ever gonna be is mean

    Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me

    And all you're ever gonna be is mean
    Why you gotta be so mean?
    And I can see you years from now in a bar
    Talking over a football game
    With that same big loud opinion
    But nobody's listening

    Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things

    Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing
    But all you are is mean
    All you are is mean
    And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life
    And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean

  • @Hiccup- what do you mean?

  • Look, I don't personally know Aria and she hasn't done anything for me, but look at how many people like her! From what I hear she is extremely nice and polite. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but may I ask what she has done to make you hate her so much? I'm looking for a real reason here, not "She's like 'I have a story idea, no one else steal it'" C'mon! Everybody is like that! How would you feel if someone stole your story idea? Also, leave TheRecklessBam and WTF_NINJA out of this. They are friends, ok? Ever heard of them? I'm just trying to talk some sense into you.

    P.S. Brace yourself for the hateful comments you are about to receive because a lot of people love Aria.

  • And I don't care what you think. I'm expressing my views.

  • How is this even... This isn't... Who would... *Sighs.*

    Yes, because what we need right now is someone killing themself. -_-

  • I'm pretty sure you just did this for attention.

    Couldn' t you be doing something more important than getting angry over someone on the internet?

    I don't mean to be rude but I'm pretty sure most of don't care how you feel about Aria.

  • @PerfectionIsME: Dude. I'm so sorry, but you absolutely disgust me. What did Aria do to make you hate her so much? (By the way, expect a hole boatload of crap coming your way very soon.)

  • Why in the world would you spend time to make a quiz like this? Quiz's are not for you to personally attack someone else online. Yes this is cyberbullying, you need to grow up.

    I feel sorry for you that you had the need to stoop to such a pathetic level.

    Good day.

  • Well...if thats what you think, thats you but Aria is a b!tch and gotoquiz needs to know it

  • Wow. You must actually, secretly LOVE Aria to be able to devote your time to her like this. There is absolutely NO reason for you to be hating on her like this. I realize that this is a free country and you are free o state your opinion, but this was just downright MEAN. You do know that, while you do hate her, she is a real person with real feelings and you could have seriously hurt hers. How would you feel is somebody made a quiz saying how much they hated your guts? Not too great. I would know. A user named Ariel made a thread about how much she hates me. Haters gonna hate. But that's just because they have nothing else better to do. Go find something better to do than put a dear friend of mine down. If you hated her so much, yo wouldn't even like the topic of her. Why the heck did you make a quiz? I'm not trying to be mean to you, and I don't like making enemies. But seriously. Aria is a nice, creative girl. She is so lively and funny. She and WTF_Ninja are some of the most amazing people I know. And they don't deserve this crap.


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