Hey, this is a little something to all of you | Comments

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  • @WTF_Ninja: She was getting on everyone's nerves...

  • I have just realised something absolutley hilarious; this has hardly been up and there're already, like, three pages of hate on this chick (which is a bit hypocritical, actually, but she probobly [well, not probobly, she does, but I'm trying to be fair] deserves it. XD)

    I say the anti- Perfection commenters won.... whatever it is you'd call this, lol.

    The Popolisk
  • Wait, gone? HOORAH!

  • Okay, give it up guys. All haters want is attention, and we're giving it to PIM. So let it drop and email Aria with your condolances, cuz PIM feeds off of anger and niceness.

  • *sings that song from the Wizard of Oz that the munchkins sing after the house falls on the witch* *dances as well* You can come out now, Aria!!

  • i think she is gone ^.^

  • @Kirby oh haha okay. You go preach then!!!!

  • @Calypso- I was talking to PIM.

  • @Kirby were you talking to me or PIM?
    @Manyetha: Lol thanks hun

  • Wow and here I was thinking this quiz was going to be something relevant to something else... Boy was I wrong... Really? who gives you the right to call her a b---- without even supporting a reason?? No. What gives you the right to call her a b----, period. And really?? You called her self-centred? You do realize your username is 'PerfectionIsME' right?? And so what if she said 'I hope no one steals it'? If you had an idea you thought was good , would you like it if some one stole it?? Geez...

    Now I may not know Aria but I've heard she is an amazingly nice person. She's kind and comforts others if they are down. I wish more people were like that (hint, hint). Yeah I get it that's your opinion but that doesnt mean you need to express it in such a way. You could calmly mention that you aren't a big fan of her and maybe list a couple reasons, reasonable reasons. (hehe redundant...)

    Oh s---.. I'm sorry that came out like that making me sound like a b----... I guess I just like to stand up for people..

  • Give up or give in?

  • im telling you, just leave, everyone dont like you.

  • @Calypso- They would be besties. Both are total jerks... And neither you or Aria deserve to be hated on.

  • So tell us,PerfectionisME,w ho's winning this? Us or you? Almost all GTQuizzers are disagreeing with you!

  • You have a terrible judge of character; Aria is the sweetest and kindest person on gotoquiz. If you were even half of the person you think you are, you wouldn't have made this quiz. Why would you even make this?! So everyone doesn't like Aria-I don't understand why-but keep your opinion to yourself! Obviously all you have done is make 99.7% of all gotoquiz hate you, was that your goal? I don't know what she ever did to you, but she doesn't suck up to people, she's just a nice person, a concept that is new to you. You sound like an angry twelve year old; if you had a problem with Aria, you should mention it to her ALONE, nicely, and try to work it out. OR, now stay with me here, not have said ANYTHING. AT. ALL. I know, shocking.

  • Okay. I know everyone has an opinion- they also have the right to express it. You are free to say what you want and do as you like; no one can make you do otherwise.

    But there is a huge difference between stating an opinion and doing something spiteful just to hurt someone. You say you knew Aria- I really don't, but I have heard about her. A lot of people like her, and worry about her, and respect her. You say she's a poser: who cares? She helps people, even if she is faking (which, by the way, I highly doubt.) And you say she should kill herself? No one deserves to die, Perfection, no one. You might hate someone, and that's perfectly fine, but that is no reason to go and publicly trash them.

    Again, I really don't know Aria; this actually has nothing to do with me. But that being the case and me STILL feeling upset about this, that means you've gone too far. Offering help is a GOOD thing; hardly anyone does it anymore. Whatever your problem is, whatever made you decide to put this up where everyone could see- I hope you get over it. Very few people like to see this sort of thing, and it won't really help you at all. You called Aria conceited, yet you totally refuse to even consider you may have misjudged her- that's conceit. Of course, I could be wrong too, and this might be totally justified, but I very highly doubt it. I wish you very much luck for the hate you'll get in response to this- you may or may not deserve it.

    Whatever the case may be, it still wasn't the best idea to show this to anyone and everyone. Please excuse me for the overly long rant, and I hope I didn't insult you as much as you did Aria.

    The Popolisk
  • I can preach all I want.

    This is the internet, I can do whatever I f---ing want to do. I don't have go away, you idiot. I can call you all the names I like, I can preach all I want.

    Nothing's going to stop me from standing up from what I believe is right, b----.

  • no, you can esaily see she wanted to make peace, but you cant let go of the past and keeps trolling G2Q oyu said aria needs to leave but u thing you do

  • PerfectionIsME, I'd like to see things from your point-of-view, it's just... I can't seem to shove my head that far up my butt.

  • Preach, Kirby, preach.

  • Dear PerfectionIsME,

    Yo u are not perfect. I bet in real life you're a fake orange plastic scumbag with a heart of a trash can.

    YOU made this quiz for attention. DON'T deny it. If you don't anything nice to say, don't f---ing say it at all, you moronic slag.

    And to top it off, I think you're a troll.
    I hope you go burn in hell for eternity.

  • yep. you need attention. hun go see a doctor

  • right now.. you cant even call a fly un-intellegent

  • Did you go to the hospital with her ???
    I thought she swallowed a pin back

  • @PerfectionIsME: No, I think maybe she's sick of haters like you who have nothing better to do then, well, HATE.


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