Hearts will break part three


Pelase read..................................................................................................................................................................................

Created by: feedtheq
  1. "Wow.I am beautiful."you say to yourself out loud. Instantly everything is gone besides the light around you and the mirror."Yes you are my queen.Long time no see."a voice came from behind you. It was the boy who was in your class every year but you never got to know."I love the way you transformed.It's so...phenomenal."he commented, checking you out.Then suddenly his brown c his curly hair turned black and straight; his brown eyes red;his teeth pointed; wings coming out of his back.And you felt instantly drawn to him.
  2. He came closer to you and touched your arm.Suddenly you knew everything he knew and you were suddenly changed into a whole new person."There you are my beloved."
  3. He comes even closer to you and kisses you and you kiss him back.All of a sudden, the three boys appear out of no where."Get away from here!" Sean shouted."What are you gonna do, claw me?" Daniel said before laughing.
  4. Sean turned into a shirtless werewolf with white eyes and even better abs which seemed impossible.Lucas short fingernails turned into blood red crystals and he grew fangs I think his eyes turned silver. Justin's red hair turned black as well did his eyes and his skin and his hands were on Fire!
  5. As soon as Daniel let go of you you fell to the ground, paralyzed.
  6. Clifhanger!
  7. Why are cliffangers invented?
  8. Hi!
  9. Did you chose *silent treatment*
  10. Bye

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