Guess Facts About My OCs: Shiva Jimmu

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I love my OCs and thought this would be a good way to introduce you to them. Take this quiz, guess some facts, and see how many you get right. Learn about my OCs while having fun.

This quiz is about the characters of my book, "Shiva Jimmu". All you have to do is answer questions and see what you get at the end of the quiz. It's that simple.

Created by: HoneyBunny17
  1. What is Shiva's gender?
  2. What is Shiva's species?
  3. Who is Akina Sho Kareen?
  4. True or false: Shiva is a witch?
  5. True or false: Twilight Magic (Shiva's magic) is evil?
  6. What is Shiva's job?
  7. Shiva's two separate forms are _____ and _____, where one is female and the other is male.
  8. Zacharius Ulbritch is Shiva's what?
  9. What accent does Zacharius have?
  10. Shiva calls who "Scrappy"?
  11. True or false: Charkamorah is an imp?
  12. Zacharius' rank in their army is what?
  13. Who's bond is Akina secretly jealous of?
  14. What is Aries' (Zacharius) gender?
  15. Shiva currently lives with whom?
  16. Who is the mother of all Darklings?
  17. What is Akina?
  18. How old is Zacharius?
  19. True or false: Charky is over 100 years old?
  20. Who does Akina have a crush on?

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