Quiz on Aves( you can learn fun facts )

Quiz about Aves. This quiz is a way to have fun and learn at the same time. You can learn many fun facts and share them with your friends! It's a really easy quiz. I'm sure you will be able to solve it within 5 seconds, but if not take your time, It's ok

I hope you enjoy the quiz. If you put your mind to it I'm sure you will score nicely! At the end of the quiz, you will be able to see your results. You can learn from the mistakes you made. Let's get started then..............

Created by: Siyaa
  1. Aves are: (their blood type)
  2. what type of eggs do they have
  3. what is the smallest bird in the world
  4. what is the biggest bird in the world
  5. the size of the egg of the humming bird is:
  6. a penguin is the only bird that can:
  7. a bird's heart beats up to _ times per minute while they are flying
  8. _ have the largest brain, in relation to its body of any avian family?
  9. world's only wingless bird is the Kiwi of New Zealand
  10. what is the fastest bird in the world

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