How black are you? | Comments

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  • Fix the grammar in your title

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  • I first want to start off by saying whoever created this quiz should be ashamed of themselves...especially if he/she is degrading towards your own kind. The title itself is inappropriate and this quiz exemplifies your individual ignorance. To suggest that black people only wear sneakers or only live in the hood or speak bad grammar puzzles me for two reasons....1)slavery ended in 1965 and since then black people have evolved tremendously into corporate america, and I dont remember sneakers being considered business professional. 2) These things that are being considered "BLACK" behavior are the exact things that white people do themselves...but i guess the creator of the quiz chose to forget about that simple fact. BOTTOM LINE: You would be better off creating a "How Racist Are You" quiz.....and regardless of your particular race, you have made it clear that you yourself would score 100%.

    • Agreed. This quiz is insulting and HIGHLY ignorant. I got 60% and Im mixed; Caucasian, African-American, Irish, and Indian. Although, I am adopted (so I do not know much about my culture(s) or heritage) I still find this is complete and utterly disappointing. I know not who made this or why, but he/she/they should be ashamed.



      Cotton Picker
    • who isnt racist

      gaay white cunnt
    • I agree seriously who came up with this?? I got 71% and I am a white caucasian. And I have a lot of African American friends and half of them are the opposite of your definition of "black". It doesn't matter what you look like.

  • What a horrible quiz. Stereotypes are poisonous. I'm a 49 year old white woman who grew up in a poverty stricken area. I answered questions on this quiz as a young black male using stereotypes from my teens. Let that sink in. Over 30 years ago. I'm apparently 92% black. s--- like this needs to stop. It's not ok. It's not cute. And it's not helping anyone live life in their truth.

  • You are 85% BLACK 85%

    You are a true black person. There is no doubt that you're not black. You have everything a black person needs. You got the gear, the swagg, the attitude. You're the type nobody would mess with because they know what you're about. You are well respected in the hood. Maybe considered a king pin or maybe every one treats you like royalty cause you're on that queen status. You're just straight hood.

    so true

  • Sodoff, you are exposing your reluctance to admit that your origins were, IN FACT,BLACK. Try as you might, your ancestry began in Africa. Your people may have migrated to the colder climes, but originally they were in the equatorial heat of Africa....Blacker than I am today. Sodoff, there is no way you can color it any other way. That is a historical fact. You are white now but your forefathers were BLACK.

  • all you people are crying about how racist this is. thats why dave chappelle no longer has a show. people that think there opinions actually matter.. i'm white and i got 100%. it about where you come from... you people have no clue about life...

  • I'm thinking that whoever created this quiz is an idiot. First, I don't think a real Black person would demean him/her self and their race with all of these negative so called survival traits. All you have succeeded in doing is bringing out the racist comments. I'm thinking that that was your goal. Congratulations. You have been exposed. By the way, I am 100% African and don't need you or anyone else to define me.

  • 82% black. I’m not even black I’m white, but I have grown up in a VERY VERY VERY black neighborhood. Aka I’m literally the only white person where I live, I live with one of my friends and she lives in West Chicago, AKA the hood of Chicago.

  • you guys are so stupid.
    our whole human ace came from
    afri so get over yourselfs.
    everyon e on this f---ing earth is black
    but man people had migrated fro africa

    in early times thats why all the races features are


    like since black ppl hve nappy hair and ar dark its

    because we stayed in africa and the sun dried out our scalps and gave us suntans and for the rest you lived in milder climates sooo you stayed fair skinned its like shutupp seriously stop hating black people dumb assees

  • Stereotypical and a bit racist to be honest.

    Brings out and confirms all of my insecurities as a mixed person.

    Pretty ghetto.
    Not a wide variety of options.

  • I honestly think, as an American(who gives a rats what race I am) that this is racist at worst and ignorant at best. Who the hell seriously runs around "keeping it real?" only a foolish person. Get out the lemming party and be your own person..sheesh..

    ( and yes I took the test and got a if)

  • Right, I got 60% black. THis quiz is not only stupid but it's very racist. How many black people in the world act like that? Exactly-maybe a few but so do people with white-skin. I am white but I still found this quiz very offensive. Based on the comments it was made ages ago but if the maker of the quiz can see this (my comment) then delete this quiz. IT IS HORRIBLE AND DISGUSTING TO PUT LABELS ON PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR SKIN COLOUR!

    Thank you to Shelly- for making it VERY clear about how racist you are mate.

  • I got 60% black, but I know that this quiz is 100% stupid. I'm 13, I come from a middle-class family and I'm 100% African American. If you are black yourself you're a disgrace to our culture and race. If you aren't black, you're racist and insanely retardate.

    DionySUS lol
  • they said i'd last 6 days in the hood, this was dukb but i took it anyway... and cherishbieber, you are truly a idiot, white people came to america from europe not freakin africa!! Obviously white people and black have waaay different people! jeez pick up a history book!!

    • You are the Definition of stupid... my God. Typical American here thinking everything is about their "great"-country. It's true that the people who discovered AMERICA came from Europe.

      But all Humans come from Africa.

      You get it now? It got nothing to do with America

      "Jeez pick up a history book"

  • Fifty one percent blackish,I don't think everyone acts the same but I am very defensive and aggressive when messed up with I will not tolerate being told wut to do usually. I am a loner and will fight for my beliefs.

  • Whoever takes the quiz but then saying the creator should be ashamed they should be way more ashamed!!!....really ....smh calm down if you give any validity to any of these quiz ....dang feel sorry for you

    • I'm a penguin & I got 100%

  • 50% black! Lmao, the score should be higher on the list because I'm a black female that always thinks about my hair and I know when to be serious.

  • who ever created the quiz is a moron, every race has its good and bad sides, no race is perfect. if you dout, reveal your race and we will check out its history. you are a good example of a bad character in your race. even the lowest orangutan has better IQ than you do. use the little time you have, to make your sorry life less miserable.

  • the producer of this quiz is a moron, being a black person does not mean you are hopeless. every nationality has it's own good and bad, if you doubt it, reveal your nationality, lets check out its history. you are a good example of the bad character in your natinality. even an orangutan has a higher intelligence quotient than you do.

  • im mad i got 84 percent black im black. black for real like milk chocolate black. like seriously....

    • Don't feel bad 50% Asian 22% Russian &121% Artic & I only got 2%

    • i hate women

  • I am just American by birth and Tanzanian, Sudanese and Keyan. I am obviously 100% black. This is a f---ing racist quiz and I am a steorotype. Black American mixed with black African. Soo I am ayt.

    • It aint racist if the creator themselves are black. It could just all be a joke. This quiz, in my opinion, is useless, but it's only there for entertainment. It only stereotypes hoodlums, nothing else. Since I am black, I must also be honest and confess that all black folks are either hoods or striving to be gangsta. Because they always include "hood" after a result, those who ask "How black are you?" are just implying that hood people are black.

  • You are 63% BLACK 63%

    You're almost there, but I think there is a fair amount of not-so-black in you. You would probably only last a week or 2 in the hood. This is good news that I have some ground in society, no matter the race because I am white. I respect all and thought this quiz would be interesting to see if I would get a low score. Well then...^_^

    Sarah Louise
  • I got 76% black. But trust me I'm white af. This quiz is rubbish. I'm so white that it's difficult for me to even get a tan cause I always get burnt but never tan.

  • Yeah Like idk Im black even I dont like being stereotyped im black and mexican and these tests about how black or are you really mexican is just cruel like we didnt sign up for this.

  • Ummm I'm 100% black and black doesn't mean ghetto!!!!God, I am really starting to regret the Civil Rights movement.

  • You are 43% BLACK

    i think you should be like half and half or something but you have a little black in you but just a little. You would maybe last a 6 days in the hood...

    Im 100% Black....
    Im Not Mixed With AnyThing...
    Okai iGuess....
    Kinda Weird...


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