How Welsh R You??? | Comments

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  • I am an American of partly Welsh descent. I have never been to Wales but have heard a little about it from family, read about it, and have a Welsh language textbook, which unfortunately did not have an accompanying CD so I could not actually hear Welsh spoken. My great-grandparents came to America from Wales (Merthyr-Tydvil sp?) in the mid-1800s; about half of their 15 children were born in the USA, including my grandfather,who was # 14. The family were of course coal-miners in Wales and went right back down the mine in Pennsylvania after emigrating. All except my Granddad; he went down the mine once and refused ever to go back! Luckily for him, WWI intervened and he went to France with the Army, then trained in the railway mail service after the war. His son,(my Dad) was, I think, the first in the family get a college education (after serving in the Army Air Corps in WWII)...and he's alive today, my Dad is, at 91! We'd both like to visit Wales but it doesn't seem likely at this point. Still, I seem to know a bit about that lovely country, after all!

    charla stone

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