What is your color? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your color?

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  • Rainbow

    You are every color of the rainbow. People love you for who you are; most of the time crazy. You are in a different mood almost everyday but are great at handling that.

    I am so like that. Wel I can handle it sometimes but I do need help most of the time. I'm more blue, though.

  • Your Result: Blue

    You are deep and full of rich color and love water. You love to stare at the sky because it as your color in it. Yo can be bright or you can be dark depending on what happened earlier in your day.

    That sounds sooooo much like me! Good Job!

    elf maiden
  • Green,I do like nature alot and being outdoors in the wilderness makes me feel at home and feel better about myself. I also like green the most actually lol. Cool quiz mate.

  • Rainbow!!! Yeah Im pretty crazy!! lol

  • im blue o.O yaaaay


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