Goodbye...part 8 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Goodbye...part 8.

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  • I'm sorry, I had a really long comment about how amazing this was that would make Missy Prissy Cat's cry, but I re-read this, and I forgot it cuz your awesome quiz wiped my mind clean for a minute....I FUDGING HATE ASHLEY. I FUDGING HATE HER.

  • Okay, so there's no way I can compete with Missy Prissy Cat's comments XD anyway, First things first: NO need to apologize, singin234. *shakes head* you have no reason to apologize for a continuation of your story. This part is like a set-up for the knowledge to come. It builds anticipation of what is yet to come. This part teases the reader with the identity of Dreak (who I really want to know about DX), foreshadows something about Ashley, and expands on Chris a little more. Though it may be void of drama, action, or romance, it certainly is just as essential to the story as those other elements. The only thing I had a problem with was the cliffhanger! I want to know more, thus, I want part 9!

    P.S. Aw, thank you for mentioning my quiz ^^

  • ...the main character Rosella. She's everything a shy and insecure teenage girl would be like. She's closed in, but she's nice to people. She's worried about things, but she doesn't complain about her problems. She doesn't like her sister, but she'd never do anything to hurt her back. She's a pushover, but she gets back up on her feet again. She's exactly how a shy girl would be. She's not over emotional, she's not super needy, and she's making an effort to figure out everything happening to her. She's just perfect. Now a days, people think that shy people are like the b----y Bella Swan from the cursed, uncultured, undignifyed, unintelligent, shallow series Twilight. That's just WRONG. Shy people are nothing like Bella Swan. If anyone is, they're just b----es... of course I don't need to convince you of that you already hate the series (and yes it's a series, a saga is completely different and Twilight also disgraces the term in every possible way it can) Enough about that, I'm going back to the brilliant character. Yes, Rosella is a character with a lot of effort and thought put into her psychology. Even if you weren't aware, you still made a brilliant character that I love to read about. You got it spot on, and you should be very proud of yourself for giving your story more realism and more maturity than most fantasy teen stories I see in my own library (oh yes, I went there) So take it from me, you're a great author and you audience should be very loyal. I mean that's why I praised yours in the first place, it has great writing and you need to stop being so humble. I mean humility is fine, but don't say the parts aren't that good because they are. They're to the point, enjoyable, and have amazing style and mystery put into them. Part 9 better come around soon, believe me I'll be there when it does. (Thank you for the honourable mention it's very sweet and thoughtful :D)

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Ya know what, I think you're a bit humble when it comes around the end. I didn't find this part bad at all. Sure it was short, but that's not a reason to say that it's a bad part. If the part moves the plot along and deepens the mystery and atmospheare, then it's a good part it did it's job well. The thing that seperates a good part from an AWESOME part, is the story, the characters, the detail, the effort, and the style of the part. I could see all of these portrayed with a lot of hardwork and passion when I read this. To say that this was a bad part is just a lie. It wasn't bad in the slightest, it gave us new information, it gave us more character development, and it gave us something else to question and wonder about. There's a few things that I personally LOVE about this story, one is the style. You might not think a lot about the style, but trust me it's there. To me (and this is just personal) the style is quite edgy and hazy yet relaxed and ordinary, almost like everything important is a dream and everything not important is more real than anything else. Like the dream (and that was done very well too) was weird and crazy, yet somehow it felt important as if the whole world would crash and burn if the main character hadn't had a freak nightmare about someone possibly being a vampire. The second thing I like about this is the way the characters interact with each other. You know Ashley isn't the nicest, but you know that because of what she does and says. You know Chris is mysterious but that's because the whole school is confused by him, and you know that the friends are nice because they help and support the main character, but they also try and give her advice as to what she should do. The interactions between characters actually makes you feel like something's going on and it's important, yet you don't know about. This goes back to style again, but the characters really help with that. Last but not least, my absolute favourite thing about this story is...

    Missy Prissy Cat

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