Goodbye...part 15 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Goodbye...part 15.

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  • I know to much at age 10. Sex, Drunken people, Puberty, homicide, suicide, terrorists, reality is all I know ;-;

    Anyways HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!

  • LUCKY!! Im still goin through year 6... Man being 11 is hard, but it's the opposite with me, people expect me to do everything I'm 11 for crying out loud give me a break... I just realized I... Know too much for my age!?! Oh well can't blame family gotta be friends bye little drunken mistake

  • I'm backkk XD it's fun to catch up and read lots without having to wait, but then again, I don't like it because I'm so behind on news, stories, etc. and this is going to take me a long time to catch up (I still have 3 pages of the newest quiz lists to sift through, then off to Calypso's, then DaughterofApollo's, then addibaby, then Dream Story... ) Anyway, enough about me, about youuuu now! I agree with Missy Prissy Cat that something was different in this one. It did feel like there was a different atmosphere, or rather, maybe a different tone and style to which you wrote it... I don't know, but it seemed different for some reason. Chris actually sounded more appealing to me here :P Don't ask me why either XD off to go read more, ta-ta!

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and man was this one good. This is possibly your best one. I just felt there was a lot more atmosphere in this one, and even though I knew Rosella was going die or... whatever happened there, I felt it kind of brought up a lot of suspense. I kind of like the seperated lovers thing, I always have, aw well some people have favourite cliches. I think that maybe you could add something we haven't seen before. Like maybe Chris has to sacrifice something to be with Rosella, or vice versa. Not nessesarily his life, but maybe something else dear to him like the rings or his wealth. Or even have Chris trying to take responsibility over her when she's knocked out. I just think that this could be taken to a whole new level and you DO have the potential to make these two a heartbreaking love story. I'm serious, lots of potential here. Anyways, happy birthday again and I'm going to whip up a cake for ya *three minutes later* AW NO THE OVEN EXPLODED why must everything I bake explode? CURSE YOU RECIPE BOOK YOU LIED TO MEEEEE

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • haha :) oh are you in america? lol my day is halfway through :P

  • Thanks you have a great day too! Well my day just ended!

  • Me again :P This was amazing as usual :) and happy birthday! xD Have a great day xx


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