going to Hogwarts with a twist (girls only) part 11

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So, I don't really know what to say for this one... but if you guys ever want to chat with me on a Forum, I'm mainly on YAY!!!! ICEE LAND!!! so... yeah

If you wanna talk I may be there. I have school and homework so I won't be there all the time but, ya know. HOPE YOU LIKE THE QUIZ!!! I don't know what else to put.

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The rest of that day you chatted with Hermione. She had asked where you went, but you just said that you needed some time alone by yourself. She didn't ask anymore questions about where you went after that.
  2. The next day was a school day, and you found a surprise in DADA. Professor Lupin wasn't feeling so well, so Professor Snape was teaching the class in stead. He talked about werewolves and animagi. "Can anyone tell me what the difference between werewolves and an animagi is?" You drew the conclusions yourself and raised your hand along with Hermione. "River?" Snape asked. "Animagi can change when ever they choose, but werewolves change under the full moon," you answer. "Very good." Snape then went on about what werewolves do before they change, and things like that, while also giving you a hole bunch of homework.
  3. That night, when you were heading to bed, you found another letter from Sirius on your bed. You smile and pick it up and read it. "Dearest River. I hope everything is going well. I'm sorry for the fright I may have given you yesterday, but I hope you still do visit me. When ever you need me, just run there, and I'll be there. Promise. Please write back, and I would sign this letter, but I wont just in case anyone gets their hands on it. With great love." You smile, as you grab some parchment and a quill. The next thing you know the letter is ripped from your hands. "What's this?" you hear Pansy ask.
  4. "A love letter from a secret boyfriend?" Pansy asks. "Not like you have one," you say. Pansy gives you a sour face. "Watch your mouth Mudblood," she spits. You smirk. You know you're not a Mudblood. I don't know if you gals remember this, but you're nine tenths Angelic. "What's so funny?" Pansy asks. You just shake your head. "Just give me my letter back," you say, reaching for it, but Pansy pulls it away. "You're going to have to fight for it," she says.
  5. You reach for the letter again and this time you get a hold of it. "Let go," you say. "Make me," Pansy spits. You become irritated and you try to yank the letter away but she still has it in a firm grip. You remember that you have to keep your temper down or else you'll make a full on rain storm so you try to calm down, but it's not working to well. The next thing you know, the letter bursts into flames...
  6. Pansy screams and you both drop the letter. "You witch!" she shouts. "Well, yeah, we have wands and everything," you say. The letter goes out and is completely unharmed. "What is going on up there?" you hear Snape call from down the stairs. Pansy looks at you, smirks, grabs the letter and rushes down stairs with you hot on her tails. "She set a letter on fire!" Pansy shouts when you both get down the stairs. Snape looks at the letter in Pansy's hand. "Looks just fine to me," he says. Pansy looks down at the paper, stutters and looks back up. "But, I saw her! she did it!" she shouts. "Evidently not," Snape says. Pansy turns to you.
  7. Pansy smiles and then turns to the whole Slytherin house. "SHE'S A FILTHY SLYTHERIN MUDBLOOD!" she shouts. Everyone gasps and then starts to whisper, but Snape calms everyone down. "Ms. Parkinson!" he shouts. "You will know well not to use that revolting word in this school! Three days worth of detention!" You couldn't help but feel happy inside about that. "Now get to bed, all of you," Snape ordered.
  8. Sure it was hard to go to bed after that, but you ended up falling asleep with out a spell to your head. A few days later, a Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff is taking place today. It's the weekend again so no school. You dress in casual clothes and then you're walking with Hermione, Ron, and Harry towards the pitch. "I've never seen a game before," you say.
  9. "Well then," you hear Cedric come up besides you. "Cheer for Hufflepuff!" You laugh and look up at him. He's dressed in his yellow uniform. "You play?" you ask. "Seeker, like Harry. Hello Harry," Cedric says. "Oh hey," Harry says. Cedric looks up at the cloudy sky. "Perfect weather," he jokes. You look up, thinking that maybe you can use your Angelic powers to stop the storm... So, Harry and Cedric leave for the game and you, Hermione, and Ron head to the stands.
  10. It's cold and it's raining, and you're trying to make it stop but it's not working so well. "oh look! It's starting!" Hermione says with glee. You look to the pitch and you see that the two teams are heading out. The game begins and they're off, flying around in the storm. People are cheering, but most of the Slytherin's looked like they didn't care. They hate Gryffindor and think Hufflepuff is pathetic.
  11. You then watch as Harry and Cedric zoom upwards towards the sky, they must have found the snitch. You cheer them on, but that's when you see a body, falling from the sky. "HARRY!!!" you and Hermione shout. Dumbledore takes out his wand and manages to slow his fall and he hits the ground. Hermione, Ron, and you waste no time rushing from the stands onto the pitch. You find him completely knocked out.
  12. "I will get you..." you hear a voice whisper. That's when you feel it, the cold, you can feel the Dementors all around you. You hear Dumbledore shouting at them. You look up and there they are, flying around. You back away from the crowd and you watch as they swarm around you. You scream as you feel their coldness gripping you. You hear a scream that's not from the crowd of people near you, and you hear "I will get you..." repeating over and over and over, overlapping itself.
  13. Finally you give in and you fall to the ground, knocked out. Dumbledore fights them off. Lupin, Snape, and Dumbledore rush to your side, along with Hermione, and Cedric, since Ron stayed with Harry. "Why would they do that!" Lupin shouts. "I don't know, but I will speak of this with the Ministry, now, we need to get her inside," Dumbledore says. "It's okay sir, I've got her."
  14. Finally you give in and you fall to the ground, knocked out. Dumbledore fights them off. Lupin, Snape, and Dumbledore rush to your side, along with Hermione, and Cedric, since Ron stayed with Harry. "Why would they do that!" Lupin shouts. "I don't know, but I will speak of this with the Ministry, now, we need to get her inside," Dumbledore says. "It's okay sir, I've got her."

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