Giants in Greek Myth

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Created by: William Moulton
  1. When Protesilaos jumps to the shore at Troy, he is NOT with Achilles. Who is he with?
  2. Which of the following did NOT court Thetis?
  3. The Giant Enceladus is the son of which sky god?
  4. A fly-pig was the symbol on which giant's shield?
  5. The Giant Polybotes was slain by which of the Olympians during the Gigantomachy?
  6. Which was the most famous mountain near to Troy?
  7. Hermes slew which of the following giants?
  8. Asclepius, son of Apollo, was slain by which weapon?
  9. Who harassed Heracles his entire mortal life and then in Olympus adopted him and gave her daughter as his wife?
  10. Zeus and his extended family had their palaces built by Hephaestus on which mountain?

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