Are you a SF Giants or an Oakland A's fan

Do you want to know if you are an Oakland A's Fan or a SF Giants Fan? If so clic on this quiz to ssee1 I garentie you this will tell you the true self. Even if you like the A's you might a giants. Click to see.

Are you willing to see what type you are? Can you handle your unexpecting results? Will you be honest unough so the results are true?If so go for it!Take th quiz!

Created by: Dylan landering
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like warm colors or cold colors?
  2. Have you ever cheered for the A's?
  3. Have you ever cheered for the Giants?
  4. Do you prefer or like nik names?
  5. Are you a fall color person or a greeny one?
  6. Are you a very commpetative and get made when you make a mistake?
  7. does your friends and familyare very the same and like one of these teams?
  8. Are you awesome when people describe you
  9. do you like winning teams or losing teams?
  10. did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a SF Giants or an Oakland A's fan