First Kisses come in Seventh Grade 10

So.. just interested… do you like situations where there’s a lot of hot guys that love one girl or where there’s one just amazing hot guy with the main girl crushing on him but at the same time so are some other girls that want him too. So one guy three girls, or three guys one girl. I dunno but I think that when there’s a lot of guys after one girl in a story, that’s not as heart aching as when there’s several girls wanting one man because girls can do mean things that twist your stomach and you wanna strangle them or something.

In real life, if that were to happen, you’re heart directs at one guy, you know who you love. But if there’s guys after you, you might seem like the bad guy, the b---- player, the slut. In the one where there’s a lotta girls and you after one guy you might seem like the innocent girl who always gets picked on and you don’t always look bad, I guess unless you’re hurting the other girls who are just in love. Answer in the comment box! I hope you like!

Created by: scumbag
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your mum picks you up after school. The van was extremely loud with all your brothers crushed in the back fighting over a bucket of honey roasted pea nuts. You sit in the middle seats of the car with little Willy car seated next to you. The van stops at a red light. You look out the window. And you see a guy’s back to you. A guy in a blue T-shirt with a dirty blonde head.
  2. He was bent down on another girl’s face. She was holding his face down to hers, her beautiful red mane of curly hair reached right above her waist. She had on a pink T-shirt, skinny jeans and fur boots. His arms were at his side, dangling like he was surprised. The space between them was completely removed. And then the light turns green and they pass by, the space between them never growing. And then you think, Chris. He’s got a girlfriend.
  3. At first you don’t think much about it at home that night. Everyone was asleep and it was 1 in the morning and you couldn’t go back to sleep. And then something’s bothering you. Just a little bit. One thought pushes the feeling away. He’s a jerk. You went back to sleep.
  4. The next day Ryan tapped your shoulder and asked, “Why’s Mandy sitting over there?” You look at the direction he was looking. Mandy sat alone at the table that Ryan used to sit. You go over. “Hi Mandy.” She doesn’t answer. “Mandy…” “Leave me alone,” is what she says. You look up at Ryan. He shrugs. You both go to your table.
  5. The science teacher announces to the class that for the whole hour you guys could go outside and into the woods of the school to explore so that you’d get familiar with it for the upcoming assignments. Ryan takes off rolling down the hill. You sit at the top and Mandy comes behind you. “C’mon Mandy!” you say to her with a smile. But she just stands there and says, “You’re not my friend anymore.” You froze.
  6. “I don’t care,” you say coldly. And then delightfully you roll down hill to join Ryan. “We all know you’re dating Ryan!” she hollers. “Am not!” you shout back. The rest was a blur from your shaking anger and shock. Your very very first BIG fight. Not little arguments from before that had quick soloutions. A really big and dangerous one. She was on the verge of punching you. You knew it was really over when Mandy squared her fists at you. You knew it really was over.
  7. Mandy squared her fists at everyone she hates, never at you. Today she just did. Things were falling apart. Three girls were holding her back. Lily, Rene and Dana held her back. She ripped from them and told them, she kept repeating, “I’ll get a BB gun and shoot her and Ryan in the head…” The girls got you, they pulled you towards her,
  8. “No, she’s too dangerous,” you say in a sarcastic tone. Rene gives a nervous laugh. You couldn’t talk to her. Not face to face. You kept shouting at her from a distance, “I DON’T CARE! I don’t care! I don’t care. I don’t… care…” But really, you did care. She gave a holler that scared you, “SHUT UP!”
  9. On the bus, Lily asked you, “Hey, what do you think about Mandy?” You couldn’t look at anybody right now. You looked out the window. “Are you ok?” Lily asks. You mumble something. “Or do you just don’t care?” Lily asks. “Yea,” you say quickly. That was exactly what you wanted to say. And it seemed pretty true at the moment. You don’t care. “Yea, I don’t like Mandy that much either. She’s kinda mushy and mean…” says Lily.
  10. You wondered to yourself, “Mushy?” Mandy was tough and cool. Were you wrong? Was this how it felt like for all the other people that Mandy hated? Was this why people kept telling you stay away from Mandy in grade school, but you became friends with the meanest person on the school grounds? Not that she picked on people or little kids but she was just mean whenever someone ‘bothers’ her. People just didn’t like her. Dana had the same roundish features as Mandy, but nobody disliked Dana like they disliked Mandy. The bus took off.
  11. You see her. Her back was turned to you. She would’ve turned and made sure you were on one of the seats where she can wave to you. But she was turned around and she was talking to Dana. Or at least Dana was talking to her. She herself was looking somewhere else. You followed her gaze. It led to Ryan who was leaning on a tree by the tennis court waiting for his ride. He wasn’t aware of her watching, but she was staring at him with tired, cold eyes. You wondered if she actually fell in love today, but just couldn’t understand it.

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